Part I; Chapter 1

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"Who is that?" A fat alien guy said behind me pointing at me. I smiled.

"She looks hot" the muscled guy next to him said.

"You only see her back" the alien guy said.

"Well, her back is hot" he joked.

The muscled guy walked up to me. "Hello, my name is Vinor. So tell me, what is a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?" Vinor said. Ugh, such a clishé pickup line. I hate those.

"I am drinking my problems away" I replied while I raised my glass.

"What kind of problems?" He asked curious.

I signed. "If you really want to know, my job didn't go that well today" I said.

He frowned. "A job like trying to kill a jedi maybe?" he said. Great, I've been talking to the cops. I should've known.

"I found her!" he said through some kind of communicator.

I tried to run but he grabbed my arm. "You do not want to get me angry" I said with a little anger.

"Why not? You sure don't look like much" He said with a grin.

"I warned you" I fired a blue force energy ball at him. It didn't kill him, It just let him fall really painful on a table. Painful enough so I had time to run.

When I ran to the exit, the door already opened. A whole squad of police droids and one jedi stood ready for me. The Jedi had short brown hair and a stubbly beard. He looked like he was in his mid 30's.

The police droids stood ready to shoot when the jedi said "Wait! Don't shoot!". He walked up to me.

"I sense something in you, you are force sensitive" He said. I tried to keep my mouth shut.

"But it is not only that, there is more" He said looking suspiciously at my face.

"What do you mean master Jedi?" I asked. Of course, I knew what he meant. He ignored my comment.

"Come with me young one" He said to me. "Keep your eyes on her" He said to the droids.

I tried to find the right moment to blast my way out of this but they were constantly watching me. "If I may ask, where are you taking me?" I asked. I sensed he didn't like me. I understood him, I tried to kill a jedi. He ignored my question again.


When the jedi temple was in sight I knew where I was going. I didn't like them, jedi. They always thought they were better than everyone else. There was nothing special about them. Back on Kaitara, everyone was force sensitive. There was no exception. Some were stronger than others but everyone was one with the force. The force there also was a lot stronger than here. Some people believed the force's origin was on Kaitara. Some people didn't believe Kaitara existed at all. I always laughed at them inside my mind.

I walked into the temple's main hall. Every jedi stopped with what they were doing and stared at me. I felt a little uncomfortable. "Ignore them" the jedi said with a stern voice. "Easier said than done" I thought.

The jedi stepped into the elevator and I followed him. "You never told me your name" I commented.

He looked annoyed. "That is because that is none of your business" He replied with an angry expression. And I thought Jedi were emotionless. He noticed he got a little angry. "My name is Caleb Rin. Call me master Rin" He demanded. I was surprised he told me his name but didn't feel more comfortable or something like that.

"This is Master Yoda's chamber, I want you to meet him"

I nodded and followed master Rin. "Master Rin, to what I owe the pleasure?" Master Yoda asked. "I sense, brought with you someone unusual, you have" He said. Master Rin grabbed me by my arm and dragged me in front of him. In front of me stood a small green alien like jedi. I always thought Yoda was human, apparently not.

"This is the girl that tried to kill master Zygon" He explained to yoda.

"My name is Kara Nightshade" I said. I tried to look as if I had regret. Yoda frowned and looked at me the same way Master Rin looked at me when he discovered I was force sensitive.

"Where from are you, hmm?" Yoda asked. I always told everybody I was from Nar Shaddaa. Everyone could've born there. So I told Yoda too.

"I am from Nar Shaddaa" I said with confidence. Yoda still looked at me suspiciously. I smiled awkwardly.

"Lie to me, do not" He said. Of course, people like Yoda don't believe me. Especially when they talk weird. I didn't know what to say next. No one would believe me.

"I am from Kaitara" I confessed while trying not to look in Yoda's eyes. I still tried to see his reaction.

"Kaitara? Hmm?" He questioned. "Once, of it I heard, in a fairytale" He said but he wasn't laughing at me. When I first arrived on coruscant I told everybody I was from Kaitara. They all laughed at me or said things like "Sure you are, little one" and "Keep on dreaming". I decided it was better to tell everyone I was from Nar Shaddaa.

"I speak the truth master" I said as politely as possible. Master Yoda may be small but I sensed great power in him. Master Rin still stood behind me in silence. He held me tight so I couldn't run away. It started to hurt.

"Let her go, hurting her, you are" Yoda said to Master Rin.

"Yes master" He replied. He let me go. I looked at my arms. They were red from Master Rin's tight grip. I could heal it. Because I was fully one with the force I could heal myself through the force. It is hard to understand but our people, we understood the force. This time I decided not to heal myself, It would only seek attention and I didn't want to do that. I just wanted to get out of here.

"Discuss this tomorrow with the council, we will" Yoda said. "Master Rin, find her a place to sleep, you will".

"She tried to kill a jedi! We should lock her up!" Master Rin argued. I just stood there watching master Rin and yoda argue.

"In her, I sense no darkness. Do what I say, you will." Yoda said Stern.

"Yes, master" Master Rin said, though everyone could see he did not agree with it

Authors note:

Did you notice that I got the name Zygon from Doctor Who? If you want to know how he looks, type in Zygon in google lol

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