Chapter 9

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"I just fear how Anakin will think about this" Obi-Wan said. We just left the council's chamber.

"How so master? On Tython we became good friends" I said.

"It is his dream to be on the council, we've said that he isn't on it because he is too young. But now.. You" He said while staring out of the window.

"Then why isn't he on the council?" I asked Obi-Wan. Secretly, I knew. He was arrogant and can't control his feelings, not that I am so good at controlling my feelings.

"I think you know why" He replied.

"Master, may I say something about Anakin?" I asked while looking in his blue eyes.

"Sure Kara, what is it?" He asked.

"I think Anakin is keeping something from us. When he killed dooku.. I sensed it wasn't for good reason, I sensed revenge, anger, love.." Obi-Wan's look was filled with fear.

"Padawan, that is a serious accusation" He said while rubbing his beard.

"I know master, I just thought you should know since -" I stopped with my sentence when I realised it probably wasn't smart to say this.

"Since what?" Obi-Wan asked with a somewhat offended tone.

"you love him, like a brother" I said looking down. I didn't want to face his reaction though I was kind of curious. I saw him looking around and after a minute or two, he just walked away. He knows I am right. Love is an emotion humans can't avoid, like I said last time 'Jedi are not droids'. I didn't know why they feared it so much, it felt stupid.


For the past week we've only had council sessions, seriously, do those council members only sit in a chair? The whole day? We've had a lot of boring ones but it seems this one finally got interesting.

"You want him to spy on the chancellor?" Obi-Wan asked Windu. I could sense he was really conflicted about it. I actually thought it was a good idea, I sensed something weird with the chancellor. Also, if Anakin accepts it he will score points with the council.

"The dark side surrounds the chancellor, we must find out why" Master Windu said. Everyone nodded except Obi-Wan.

"Padawan nightshade, your opinion on this, what is?" Yoda asked.

I thought for a second but then I realised I shouldn't think, I should use the force. I closed my eyes. The chancellor appeared in my mind... with yellow eyes. I saw a mask, a spacestation, the same one as in my previous vision. I opened my eyes in shock. "I sense great darkness in him, we must continue this mission. We need proof that he is what I fear he is" I said. Obi-Wan didn't understand why I said that, I saw it in his eyes. On the other hand Yoda's reaction was both pride and fear.

"Yes, we must" Yoda said. Anakin was to say something to the council after our session and since that just ended Anakin entered.

"Master, The chancellor wants me to join the council as his representative." Anakin said. He looked around the council until he saw me. His eyes were full of jealousy and even a bit anger.

"Allow this appointment likely, the council does not. Disturbing is this move by chancellor palpatine" Yoda said.

"I understand" Anakin replied.

"You're on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of master" Mace windu said. Anakin didn't understand why? He looked at me like I betrayed him, like I was a poison.

"What? How can you do this? You even let a padawan on the council but you do not grant me the rank of master? It is unfair" Anakin Yelled. Everyone looked at me and him, mostly him.

"Take a seat, skywalker" Master Windu said angry.


A few days later my master and me were assigned to search for general grievous on Utapau. The cities were big holes in the planet with on the bottle water. I think without the holes there couldn't be life on this planet since it was just rocks and sand. We just let R4 fly the ship back to the fleet for reïnforcements. Grievous was here.

"We should get a varactyl" Obi-Wan said. I bursted out in laughing.

"A varactyl, you're kidding right?" I saw his serious face and corrected myself. "You're not.. I thought you didn't want to be noticed?"

"Yes, that is why we should get one" He replied.

"Sometimes master, I don't understand your logic" I commented. He smiled at me. We both got a varactyl and went looking for grievous.

"Kara, this way" He said. I followed him on to some kind of bridge. Beneath it there were hundreds of separatists including grievous.

"Wait here for orders" He told me. He jumped of his varactyl and off the bridge.

"Master, what are you-" I stopped with my sentence because he couldn't hear me anyway.

"Hello there" Obi-Wan kenobi said bold. General grievous and the magnaguards turned around and when they saw Obi-Wan he laughed. Obi-Wan didn't seem to care.

"General Kenobi, you are a bold one" Grievous said. The magnaguards walked towards kenobi with their electrostaff activated. "Kill him" Grievous ordered.

Obi-Wan let some kind of large object fall on the guards what destroyed them. He walked towards general grievous. Battle droids were forming a circle around him and were getting ready to attack. I still waited for orders. I hated waiting.

"Back away, I will deal with this jedi slime myself" Grievous ordered the battle droids. They lowered their weapons.

"Your move" Obi-Wan said.

"You fool, I have been trained in jedi arts by count dooku" He said while letting his cape slide of his back. He pulled out 2 lightsabers, wait no 4. I didn't know Grievous had 4 arms. He swinged his lightsabers swiftly around while walking towards Obi-Wan and burning the ground on the way. Obi-Wan walked backwards till grievous was located under the bridge.

"Kara now!" He yelled.


sorry for the boring chapter again, I needed to keep things close to the movie but after this it get's interesting, I promise!

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