Chapter 10

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I activated my lightsaber and jumped off the bridge and landed behind grievous. I made two swift movements and cut of 2 of his hands. Grievous turned around in anger. He was even more scary up close. He moved swiftly with both his lightsabers trying to kill me. It was beyond horrifying. Obi-wan hit him hard against his lightsabers. Suddenly troops landed behind us, Obi-Wan smiled. He knew his plan worked out. The troops started to shoot the droids around us while we attacked grievous. He didn't stand a chance. Obi-Wan force pushed grievous against the ceiling causing him to lose his lightsabers. Obi-Wan and I followed him. Grievous walked to some kind of round speeder. He almost drove us over.

"Kara, I'll handle grievous. You go help cody and his men, I'll join you later." Obi-Wan said.

"But master-"

"That is an order!" He interrupted.

Obi-Wan took his varactyl and went after Grievous. Why didn't he want me to come with him? I also took my varactyl and went on my way to cody. Suddenly I felt a huge tremor in the force. It was dark, very dark. I went to a quiet place and tried to meditate on it. I saw the same things I saw when I meditated on the chancellor. It must have something to do with him, but there was more. I could feel it. There was another dark force, I had sensed it before. After a minute or two I realised it was the same force as Anakin Skywalker's.

"Oh no" I said out loud to myself. I must warn Obi-Wan.

I jumped on my varactyl and raced to commander cody. He was talking on the holo to someone wearing a hood. I saw Obi-Wan, he was on his varactyl walking on the edge of the giant hole. Cody pointed at him and a tank blasted towards Obi-Wan. Seconds later I saw Obi-Wan and his varactyl fall into the bottom of the hole.

"NO!" I screamed. Cody and the other clones looked behind him.

"Blast her too" He ordered. I took off on my varactyl as fast as I could and tried to find a ship platform. I couldn't believe what just happened, did they just shot him? How? Why? Even in my mind I couldn't finish my sentences, I was just so confused. I jumped into the first fighter I saw and took off. The clones were still firing at me.


When I left the atmosphere a holo appeared. "All jedi must return to the jedi temple" It said. I did what the holo asked and returned to the jedi temple. I didn't even hesitated, how could I, I didn't know what else to do. Obi-Wan is dead, he is really dead. But why? The darkness got worse, Anakin, why?

I entered Coruscant's atmosphere and saw the smoke from the jedi temple.

"I have a really bad feeling about this" I said to myself. When I got closer to the temple I saw clones everywhere. Still, there must be some jedi left, they need help. I flew to one of the landing platforms and saw clones running at me. I jumped out of the fighter and hit the clones hard. When they were dead I ran into the jedi temple. Anakin was here, right now. Every bit of my brain said I needed to leave but I knew I couldn't, I must rescue some jedi. Anakin's dark force came closer and closer. He was behind me.

"Kara Nightshade, the overestimated jedi padawan who took everything from me" He said. I turned around. His eyes were yellow and red like a real sith. He was so angry I didn't have the words for it.

"You took my master, my place in the council, my mission! You took everything!" He screamed.

"I didn't do anything!" I yelled back.

"You think you are so amazing, but you are not. You are a sad whiny child trying to steal everything from anybody" He screamed while walking nervously around. I ignored his comment.

"Anakin, this isn't you! You are way more than a simple sith" I said, trying to convince him to join the lightside again but there was no use. I knew he was gone.

"No, I am not going to kill you, I am going to make you suffer" He said. He force lifted me by my throat. He was strong, so strong!

"An-aki-n... do-n't... do.. thi-s" I stuttered while gasping for air.

"You shouldn't have stolen from me" He said just before everything turned black.


"You have done well my new apprentice, now what were you planning to do with this jedi?" A voice asked. I couldn't see anything, also I couldn't move.

"This jedi deserves worse than death, she is the image of the jedi's betrayal to the republic". I knew that voice, it was Anakin. I tried to speak but my mouth wasn't able to open.

"Yes, we shall make her suffer, we shall make her watch" The voice said again. It seemed familiar but there was something about that I didn't recognise. I tried to sense who it was but all I could sense was darkness.

"What are you planning to do, my master?" Anakin asked.

"You will see that later" The mysterious voice replied. "Move her to the carbon freeze facility" He ordered. Carbon freeze facility? I wanted to run away so fast but I still couldn't move, this is not happening.

"Yes, my lord" A clone said, I recognised the voice.

"Now lord vader, go to the mustafar system, wipe out viceroy gunray and the other separatists leaders".

"Yes, master" Anakin replied.

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