Chapter 14

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I stepped out of the space ship, not that there was more on this planet than in space. The only thing I saw was sand and a lot of aliens I had never seen before. It was quite busy in Mos Eisley. I wore some kind of ugly hat to protect me against the heat. It made me feel like the sand people. There was no desert on Kaitara so we weren't really good with heat.

"Why did Obi-Wan chose this mud ball?" I asked Jason who was standing next to me.

"I honestly don't know" He said. He looked at me and trying not to laugh. "Why didn't you just wear your cloak?"

"I don't like them, they are so heavy and sloppy and I don't want people to think I am a jawa" I joked. He laughed at my comment.

"Maybe we should get a speeder first and a nicer hat" Jason said.

"I agree"

We walked out of Mos Eisley spaceport. There was more chaos than I had ever seen in my life. I saw a wookie kick a man, he hit the ground hard. And by the looks of it he wasn't awake either.

"In what kind of place have I ended up" I said to Jason.

"The happiest place on tatooine even the empire doesn't care about, Mos Eisley" He said with a big smile. "lets go find you a better hat, I can't stand it anymore" He said.

"I was just starting to like it" I joked.

"Please don't" He replied.

I picked up a hat in the hat shop. "How about this one?" I asked Jason.

"No, that is even worse" Jason picked up another hat. It looked like some kind of straw hat. Just a simple one. "What do you think of this one?"

"It will do" I said. "Now let's go buy a speeder"


We arrived at a speeder shop. I looked around. They all looked like they were about to fall apart. There was one speeder who didn't look that bad. There were two people next to it. An old man and A blonde boy in his twenties. There was something familiar about that old man.

"Alright give it to me, I'll take it" The boy said to some kind of alien.

"Master" I said poking his shoulder. He looked at me and saw me pointing at the man. I blindly walked to him not knowing why. I just have a strange feeling. The man saw me walking towards him. He looked shocked, he stopped walking.

"Look at this, ever since the-" The boy complained to the man but stopped talking as he noticed the old man staring at me.

"Ben, who is that?" The boy said. Ben? I stopped walking towards him, it wasn't him. He wasn't Obi-Wan but the man still stared at me.

"No, It can't be" The man said. He stroke his beard. There was only one man who did that, Obi-Wan.

"Obi-Wan?" I asked with hesitation.

"Kara?" He asked the same way I did. The boy looked at us very confused.

"Ben, we gotta leave now" The boy said.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked the boy.

"I'm sorry I don't think I should tell you, I don't even know you" the boy said.

"Luke, it is okay. They are friends" Obi-Wan said to Luke. Obi-Wan turned to me and Jason again. "Do you want to come with us to alderaan?"

"We actually have our-" Jason started.

"Sure, we would love to" I interrupted Jason. We walked to the docking bay of their ship.

"What a piece of junk!" Luke said.

"You got that one right" I whispered to luke.

"She'll make point five beyond the speed of light. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've added some special modifications myself" A guy with brown hair said. He looked like smuggler so I think he was our pilot. Somehow that didn't make me feel very comfortable. Luke scratched his head. It was obvious he wasn't very comfortable either. A wookie made a sign for us to get in the starship.

"I thought you said you two and those droids, who are they?" The smuggler said pointing at me and Jason.

"They are coming with us too, it was a last minute decision" Obi-Wan said.

"2 extra people? That is going to cost you extra, 3000 more"

"You don't have to, we have our-" Jason started again.

"Sure" Obi-Wan said interrupting Jason.

"Does anyone ever let me finish a sentence!?" Jason said annoyed.

I poked his shoulder "This is your first" I said.

"And probably my last" He replied.

"We're a little rushed, so if you'll hurry aboard we'll get out of here" The smuggler said. Seriously, no one introduces himself here. Probably a tatooine thing. We walked into the star ship. I saw imperial troopers running at us.

"Stop that ship!" A trooper said.

I heard a lot of shooting and the smuggler yelling, "Chewie, get us out of here!" I felt the ship moving so I take it we were taking of. Me and Jason sat down in the central hold area. There was still a lot of shooting going on.

"Hello, I am See-Threepio, human-cyborg relations, and this is my counterpart, Artoo-Detoo" The golden droid said pointing at the astromech droid.

"Hello" I replied. A while later Obi-Wan, Luke and the wookie joint us in the central area.

"So who are you two?" Luke asked.

"My name is Kara Nightshade, Padawan of Jason Starr" I said pointing at Jason. "And former padawan of your master, Obi-Wan kenobi".

"You two are jedi knights?" Luke said with a lot of enthusiasm. "Wait, master? How did you know that"

"Believe me, she knows everything. She can sense more things through the force than a computer can scan" Jason joked. Luke laughed at his joke.

Obi-Wan just stared into space. He eventually turned to me. "How are you alive? and why do you look so young?" Obi-Wan asked. Luke looked confused to, I assume he realised that I looked seventeen and the jedi purge was 20 years ago.

"Darth Vader, he didn't want to kill me he wanted me to suffer so he froze me in carbonite. When I was unfrozen over 3 weeks ago he just let me go to float in an escape pod for two weeks. But my memories are really vague of vader's ship. I remember going to the medbay and vader, I don't remember what he said though and I don't remember what I did in the medbay" I said looking down. Everyone but the droids and the wookie looked at me amazed. The droids and the wookie were playing chess.

"Vader" Luke said quit. He stared into space just like Obi-Wan.

"Charlena Dan'sor found me in the escape pod, I think you still know her" I said to Obi-Wan.

"Yes, she is a great leader of the rebellion" Obi-Wan said.

"By the way, I would like to know who the pilot is and the wookie. Since they both kind of have the power to kill us"Jason said. I laughed at him.

"The wookie is Chewbacca and the extremely arrogant pilot is Han Solo" Luke said. Chewbacca roared. I didn't know what he said though, I don't speak wookie.

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