Chapter 16

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"What do you mean, where is it?" Luke shouted in panic. 

"Thats what I'm trying to tell you, kid. It ain't there. It's been totally blown away" Han said

"What? How?" Luke asked. 

"Destroyed... By the empire" Obi-Wan said. 

"That's not possible, how?" Jason said. I couldn't think of how either. Somehow, I did know it. I tried to think what could destroy such a thing. Luke, Obi-Wan and Han were yelling to eachother, as usual. It didn't help with thinking. I closed my eyes and concentrated only on the force and the memory. 

"Kara? You alright?" Jason asked. I tried to ignore him but after a minute or two he just asked again. 

"Shhst, I am concentrating" I said.

"Okay" He said offended. 

I tried to concentrate again but with everyone shouting it did't really help. 

"Look at him. He's headed for that small moon" Luke shouted. 

"I think I can get him before he gets there... He's almost in range" Han said. 

It was silent for a few seconds. I tried to concentrate agáin but got interupted by Obi-Wan. 

"That's no moon. It's a space station" He said. Out of shock I opened my eyes. I remembered it. The cave... The vision... It was right in front of me. Everyone looked at the space station with horror in their eyes. Except Obi-Wan, he looked at me. I didn't blink the whole time I stared at the space station. A tear slipped down my cheek. 

"Turn around!" I screamed, everyone looked around in shock. "Please, turn around!" I yelled again. "This is the thing that destroyed Alderaan!" 

 Everyone just stared at me in shock. "Yeah, I think your right. Full reverse! Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power" Han said. We were still moving towards it. Luke turned around and saw me crying, I didn't like when people saw me this way. It made me feel weak. But I couldn't stop. The terror that station could do and it will happen.. It will destroy Kaitara. 

"Why are we still moving towards it?" Luke yelled at Han.

"We're caught in a tractor beam! It's pulling us in!" Han yelled back.

"But there's gotta be something you can do!" Luke yelled.

" There's nothing I can do about it, kid. I'm in full power. I'm going to have to shut down. But they're not going to get me without a fight!" Han yelled.

"Please stop yelling you two!" Jason screamed. Chewbacca roared in agreement.

"You can't win. But there are alternatives to fighting" Obi-Wan said.

"Yeah, we can just die" I said. I wiped my tears of my face and walked to the central area. Threepio and Artoo were still sitting at the chess table. I sat down on the couch.

"Ma'am, if I'm not interrupting. What is happening?" Threepio said.

"We're about to die" I replied.

"Oh my" Threepio said.

I felt the ship landing. Jason walked also to the central area. 

"Kara, we have to hide" He said. Seconds later, the rest ran towards a hall in the ship. 

"What's the use?" I said. 

"Just please, come with me" He said pulling me by my arm. I stood up together we ran towards the hall. 

"Get in!" Han shouted pointing at a open hole under the floor. I stepped in and Jason after me. At that moment I came up with a plan. A plan to save my father and mother. It was the only way I was able to save them. 

"Jason, I need to do something, a mission on this space station" I whispered. 

"What mission?" He asked. 

"That doesn't matter, I just need to get the rest of my back. Including you" I said. 

"That is dangerous, I don't allow it" He said. 

"Please, I need to" I said almost crying. 

"Okay, but be careful" He said. 

I heard people running above us but after a few minutes they stopped. I heard the other floor panels opening so we opened ours too. 

" Boy, it's lucky you had these compartments." Luke said.

" I use them for smuggling. I never thought I'd be smuggling myself in them" Han Solo joked. "This is ridiculous. Even if I could take off, I'd never get past the tractor beam."

"Leave that to me" Obi-Wan said.

"Damn fool. I knew that you were going to say that" Han said.

Obi-Wan quietly laughed. " Who's the more foolish... the fool or the fool who follows him?". Han shaked his head while muttering to himself. Chewbacca roared.

"So what's our plan?" Jason asked.

Everyone was silent for a moment. "Watch and learn" Han said.

"Hey down there, could you give us a hand with this?" Han yelled. I've seen those troopers a lot lately, so they were from the empire?

"Jason, are those clones?" I whispered.

"Not all of them" Han joked as two troopers entered the ship. I quickly knocked out both of them by slamming them against the wall with the force.

"Good work, kid" Han said.

"I am older than you, you know" I joked, at least I tried to laugh. I tried to not think that we were standing on the very thing that is going to destroy my planet. Han looked confused. Han was in the cockpit when I told the whole story. I

"It's true, she is 37" Jason said. Han looked even more confused. He shaked his head and turned to the dead troopers. 

"Luke, this might not be pleasant but we are gonna have to undress them" Han said while smiling at Luke. 

"Oh boy" He said. They dragged the bodies to another area leaving Obi-Wan, Jason and Chewbacca alone. Threepio and Artoo walked up to us. 

"Don't ever put us in the closet again, I can't tell you what I saw in there" Threepio complained. We made them deactivate for a few minutes so they wouldn't detect the droids. 

"You were only aware of it for two seconds" Jason replied. 

"That were two seconds too long" Threepio replied. 

Author's note:

I actually didn't know how they hid R2 And 3PO, so if anyone does know what really happened, please tell me and I'll change that. I couldn't think of anything better than Hiding in Han Solo's closet xd

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