Chapter 6

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The force felt so good here, I decided to meditate on the light side of the force. On Kaitara I always meditated in the evening, it was relaxing. It made me forget all the awful things that happened before. This was for 4 years of bad things I have done. I've killed so many people just to stay alive. You could say I was a bounty hunter but that sounded so bad so I always told myself I was a survivor who would do anything to stay alive. I was a survivor, that is true but I shouldn't have been because of killing people. My biggest target was master Zygon, it was also the only time I got caught. Maybe that is why they give me a second chance, because they don't know anything about me. My thoughts were getting darker. "No, stop thinking so negatively" I said in my mind. I felt a slightly dark presence, it was still light but I could sense the small spot of darkness. I opened my eyes and saw Obi-Wan sitting in front of me.

"Are you alright?" Obi-Wan asked. My mind only focused on the dark presence. It came closer.

"Master do you feel th-" I stopped talking when I saw Anakin in sight. It was him. He had a dark spot. Obi-Wan followed my eyes and also looked at Anakin. He obviously didn't sense the darkness.

"Do I feel what?" He said.

"No.. Ehm.. Nevermind, I think I just meditated for too long" I said. It didn't make sense but I couldn't come up with a better excuse.

I stood up and Obi-Wan copied me.

"So what are we supposed to do on this ball of ruins" Anakin said. I laughed a little at his comment. He smiled at me. Still, I could sense the darkness and it scared me a little.

"On this beautiful ball" He started sarcastic while looking at Anakin. "You two are to collect a holocron for me. To do this you must work with the force and each other". I saw the look on Anakin's face, he obviously didn't want to do that.

"An I thought I passed my trials" Anakin mumbled.

"It is not about your jedi skills Anakin, it is because you two don't get along. When you get a mission together in the future and you don't get along you will fail." Obi-Wan explained to Anakin. I knew it was because of Anakin's jealousy he didn't like me.

"What makes you think that we ever have a mission together?" Anakin asked.

"You are both very strong in the force and you both have unique skills. Anakin, you are very strong with the force an your combat skills are almost the rank of a master. Kara, your knowledge of the force is more than we have ever seen. You can heal people and you have a unique ability 'force ball'. I believe when you two are together you are stronger than ever" He said. "Now go and may the force be with you" I smiled. He really meant every word he said.


We walked on top of a mountain. The view was beautiful I could see lakes as blue as crystal and ruins everywhere. The ruins didn't make the landscape ugly on the contrary it made everything seemed alive. Like there were still people living here.

"So we are supposed to find some stupid holocron, why does he even want it?" Anakin complained. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Where are we supposed to look, it can be anywhere!" He yelled to the sky. The whole way he has been complaining, it was getting under my skin.

"Do you even know where you're going?" He complained again. That was it I was getting sick of his complains.

"Please, shut up!" I shouted at Anakin. I immediately regretted shouting so I calmed myself down and started over.

"Please, can you just stop complaining? I know where I am going, the force is guiding me" I said. He lifted one eyebrow and looked at me like he was amazed by me.

"You certainly áre one with the force" He said. I smiled behind his back hoping he wouldn't notice it. I didn't want to show my soft side to him, somehow it made me feel vulnerable.

We walked without talking again for hours and hours. I started to think it wasn't here though I knew it was. It was almost dark.

"Anakin, do you know how long it is dark on Tython?" I asked. He looked surprised. Probably because I said something after hours of dead silence.

"I learned this in the temple, I think it was about 5 hours if I remember it correctly" He replied.

"That means that when it gets dark, it gets dark fast" I commented. He nodded. "We gotta hurry up, I don't want to sleep between those ruins or somewhere in a cave" I said. Anakin agreed.

We ran as fast as we could to where the force guided us. Suddenly, I heard a loud splash and I couldn't breath. I only felt a cold and wet liquid pushing against my skin. I fell into a river and it wasn't particularly a slow river. I pushed myself towards the surface. I heard Anakin screaming my name. I floated a few meters along with the river till I bumped into a rock. It hurted a lot but I used the rock to hold onto it. Anakin was still screaming, his voice didn't seem to be far away.

"Anakin! I am here!" I screamed. It was completely dark now.

"I can't see you, it is too dark!" He screamed back at me. I tried to think clearly on what to do. Obi-Wan always said that it was important to have a clear mind in a tough situation.

"Use the force!" I screamed eventually. The water was getting too strong and even with the help of the force I couldn't hold on to the rock.

"Anakin, I can't... It is too heavy!" I screamed just before I let go of the rock.

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