Chapter 5

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"Well, my padawan had two lightsabers" argued Anakin towards Obi-Wan. They had an argument, again. Ever since I became Obi-Wan's padawan they never stopped. Anakin had also a padawan for a while. Her name was Ahsoka, she left the jedi order about two years ago. I could sense Anakin's jealousy, he felt excluded I think.

"You're just jealous that my padawan is better than you" Obi-Wan said. The look on Anakin's face was as if Obi-Wan had betrayed him. I also didn't believe what he said and was just the frustration. Anakin looked so hurt. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry Anakin, I didn't mean that" He said. Well that was not supposed to make me feel better. I understood it though. Anakin looked still hurt. He also looked at me as if I had done something wrong.

"I understand master, I am not the jedi you want me to be" Anakin said hurt after a few minutes of death silence. I saw Obi-Wan trying to figure out what to say.

"Anakin, you have become a far greater jedi than I have ever hoped to be" He said trying to make Anakin feel better. Though he really meant it. I could sense the strong love from Obi-Wan towards Anakin. Almost as if they were brothers. Anakin didn't respond but slightly smiled. He just stared into space. We were in a star ship towards the jedi's homeworld, Tython. Obi-Wan noticed I missed the strong force like I felt on Kaitara so he decided to take me to tython. The reason no one was there because the sith noticed it. They destroyed most of it, but not all. Anakin walked to the control room leaving me and my master alone.

"You are quiet" Obi-Wan said.

"Yeah, just listening to you two arguing" I said with a fake smile. He looked down.

"Anakin and I have a lot of arguments, probably because we are both a little stubborn" He said and smiled. "Anakin most of course" He joked. I laughed. He looked still concerned though.

"Obi-Wan, do you think I can be as good as Anakin?" I asked. He looked suprised and confused. I could sense it too. I've been thinking. Anakin and all the other jedi started at a very young age. I might be one with the force but I don't think I can use the force like jedi do. I am not like them, I don't share their beliefs. How can I ever be someone like Anakin?

"Kara, are you seriously asking me that?" he said.

"Yes master, yes I am. I mean, I became a padawan because I tried to kill a jedi, that doesn't make sense. How could they even give me a chance at all, I can't be a jedi" I said almost crying. It might seem stupid but it is true. It didn't make sense.

"Kara, they gave you chance because you are special, because everyone deserves a second chance" He said.

"And that is where you are wrong, I am not special. I am just an ordinary Kaitarian" I said looking down. In the corner of my eye I saw Obi-Wan's face getting a little angry and proud. It was a weird combination.

"Kara, now you listen to me. You are anything but ordinary. The council is even considering for you to join the council because you control the force so much better than we do. It is like you are the force." He said. I smiled, are they serious? I didn't even finish my training? I am not a master?

Obi-Wan wanted to continue his speech but I said "Enough Obi-Wan. I get it, I just don't understand" I said.

"You will" He said proud. Suddenly I sensed a really angry and jealous emotion. I sensed Anakin.

"Obi-Wan, we are ready to drop out of lightspeed" He said not looking at mine or Obi-Wan's eyes. He heard it, he heard what Obi-Wan said to me.

A few minutes later we entered the atmosphere. It was so beautiful, even when there were only ruins everywhere. The force had such a strong connection with the light side, I haven't felt this way in a long time. It felt amazing! I looked at the surroundings, there were bright blue lakes and lots of beautiful grasslands with here and there some trees. I couldn't believe what I saw.

When we stepped out of the ship Anakin walked towards us. "Obi-Wan, can I talk to you?" He asked, again avoiding his eyes. He was really hurt, I could sense it. I also could see it in his eyes. So sad.

"Sure, Anakin" He looked at me. "Kara, stay with the ship till I come back" he said. I nodded.

*** (Obi-Wan perspective)

We walked to a river and looked at the view. It was silent for a couple of minutes.

"How can they do that?" Anakin asked upset. I knew where he was talking about though I tried not to know.

"How can who do what?" I asked.

"Don't play games with me, you know where I am talking about" He said annoyed. He was right.

"She is very talented and very special" I said defending my padawan.

"She is a padawan!" Anakin then yelled.

"Anakin, don't let jealousy cloud your judgment" I yelled back.

"How can, she be on the council when she didn't even finish her training, while I may not! It is not fair!" He yelled. He sounded like a whiny child whose sister got more candy than him.

"That is exactly why!" I yelled. I walked angry away from Anakin. Leaving him to figure out what I meant. I saw his angry and confused eyes stare at me in the corner of my eye. Sometimes I ask myself why he is like that? Why does he act that way? He should be honored to be a jedi. So I had one Padawan who didn't believe in herself and one padawan who is arrogant. "Why can't I have something in between" I sighed. Of course, I still like them both. They are not perfect but not bad either. You could trust the both of them very much. I tried to keep my thoughts off Anakin and put on a calm face when I returned to Kara. She was still with the ship, meditating in the grass. She looked so calm.

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