Chapter 8

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So here I was at the temple, boring me to death. Obi-Wan and Anakin are on a mission to rescue the chancellor and of course they didn't want me to come. I don't know why actually, they just told me to stay here. Wait till they're back. I decided to go to master Yoda, maybe he knew what I could do.

"Master Yoda, I'm sorry for interrupting. My master is on a mission so I thought maybe I could learn some lightsabers techniques that involve this kind of lightsaber"

"Just about to ask the same thing, I was" Yoda said. "come". He walked to a room in a whole different section of the jedi temple.I have never been here before.

"This section, the jedi temple guards train in" Yoda said. I saw younglings and other jedi of my age with all double bladed lightsabers.

"Master Charlena Dan'sor, this is" Master yoda pointed at a young, somewhere around her twenties, green Twi'lek. She walked towards us.

"Master Yoda" she nodded. "And who might you be?" she asked.

"I am Kara, Kara Nightshade"

She noticed the long lightsaber hilt I carried on my belt. "Nice to meet you Kara. I see you are carrying a double bladed lightsaber, at such a young age? Remarkable"

"Training with you today, she will.  Yes, hmmm." Yoda said. I smiled at master Dan'sor.

"You are more than welcome" She said with a smile.

"Leave now, I will." Yoda said. We both nodded to him and he walked away.

"I just became a master. Before me, master Pong Krell trained the guards. He was corrupt and on a certain mission he ordered his troops to fight against each other" She explained.

"What happened to him"

She looked down. "He was executed by his own troops". I sensed she was sad, though she didn't want to be.

"He was your master? Wasn't he?" She nodded and grabbed her lightsaber.

"But never mind that, let's focus on your lightsaber technique" she said. She activated her lightsabers and two blue blades appeared on each side. The same color as mine.I too activated my lightsaber. She noticed the little force energy in the middle.

"Nice lightsaber" she complimented


"Now, hit me" she said while making a 'come here' sign with her hand.

I lashed out and tried to hit her hard. She made a swift movement and in a few seconds my lightsaber lay on the ground.

"Fighting with a double bladed lightsaber is mostly to defend yourself, keep your weapon" She said while lifting the lightsaber with the force to me.

"Try again". This went on for quite a while, almost the whole day.


"You are getting the hang of it" She said. Most times it was just me trying to hit her, speech, try again. A compliment was new. I hit her again, she concentrated on defending until she made a wrong movement and I managed to let the lightsaber slip away out of her hands. She looked amazed.

"Luck" She said and we continued to practise. We stopped when I saw yoda walking in to the room.

"Padawan nightshade, arrived, your master and anakin have" I smiled in excitement that he wasn't dead but I also felt something different, Anakin.

"I wish you the best of luck" Master Dan'sor said and I smiled again.

I walked up to taxi platform on the jedi temple.

"Master!" I shouted when he exited the taxi. I didn't see Anakin, though I did sense him.

"Kara" He shouted back while walking towards me.

"Where is Anakin" I asked.

"He is celebrating with the politicians" He said with a smile.

"So your mission was successful?" I asked.

He smiled at me and said "More than succesful. Count Dooku is dead. Anakin killed him"

"I thought the jedi were supposed to decide that or something"

"He was too dangerous to be kept alive" He said. I didn't believe it, no. He didn't kill him because of that. No I sensed Anger and revenge.

"So what did you do today" He asked.

"I trained with jedi master Charlena Dan'sor" I said proud.

"Aah, the guard trainer. Good"


Obi-Wan and I talked the rest of the day about my training and his mission until Obi-Wan's holocommunicator went off. He answered it and master windu appeared on the holo. "Master Kenobi, the council requests your and your padawans presence right away" We walked to the council chambers.

"Master Kenobi, as you probably know, you padawan is very special and strong in the force" Master windu started. "We want her to be on this council, but she is not allowed to vote for our decisions yet" He said. Obi-Wan looked very confused and shocked. So they were serious? They really wanted to let me on this council?

"Accept do you, hmm?" Yoda asked.

"Yes, I accept" I said polite though I was shouting inside.

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