Chapter 15

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"They are coming" Darth Vader said to one of his commanders. He was staring at a screen, a target moved very fast towards the death star.

"Who? Lord Vader?" The commander replied. He was watching the screen also but by the look of him he was obviously confused. "Who are you tracking?"

"I knew she would go look for him" Vader said ignoring the questions of the commander. He knew his plan has worked out perfectly. Once he had destroyed the old man, then he would set his next plan in motion.


Obi-wan and I were watching Luke practice the lightsaber with a small "seeker" robot when Obi-Wan suddenly turns away and sits down. He falters, seems almost faint. Luke turns of his lightsaber and walks towards Obi-Wan.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?" Luke asked. I knew what it was, something terrible has happened.

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened" He said almost fading away again. "You'd better get on with your exercises"

Han solo enters the room. "Well you can forget your troubles with those imperial slug, I told you I could outrun them" He said looking at Luke. I had no Idea what that was about. Luke rolled his eyes and activated his lightsaber again.

"Don't everyone thank me at once" Han Solo said.

"Yeah, why were we getting followed by those fighters?" I asked. I

"Ranna didn't tell you?" Jason said.

I shrugged "No?". Jason explained everything to me but I didn't understand halve of it.

"Rebels huh?" Han Solo said. "You know it is a waste of time, right?"

Luke paused for a second with his lightsaber practice. "You wouldn't understand".

Artoo and Chewbacca were still playing chess, Threepio watches. The figures move across the chessboard after each turn. I honestly don't understand any of it. I've never like board games.

"Now be careful Artoo" Threepio said.

Artoo made a move that caused the wookie to roar.

"He made a fair move. Screaming about it won't help you" Threepio said. Han laughed at the two droids.

"Let him have it, it is not wise to upset a wookie" He said. I laughed at him comment, it was so true. Wookiees are the strongest species I have ever seen, well besides rancors maybe.

"But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid?" Threepio said.

" That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their socket when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that" Han Solo said.

"I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy, Artoo. Let the Wookie win" Threepio said.

I continued to look at Luke. He reminded me of myself, I too started my training very late. Han watches too now, though you can smell the smugness.

"Remember, a Jedi can feel the force flowing through him" Obi-Wan said. I nodded. I looked at Jason, he was clearly seeing Luke as entertainment. I poked him with my elbow.

"What?" He said.

"You started out like that too" I said.

"Yeah, but I was 3" He argued. I shaked my head.

"You mean it controls your actions?" Luke asked Obi-Wan.

"Partially. But It also obeys your commands" Obi-Wan said.

Luke activated his "seeker" droid again this time he changed the setting to a higher level. It made fast movement. Luke stops the laser the first few lasers but then git hit in the leg. He jumped fast in shock.

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid" Han said.

"You don't believe in the force, do you?" Luke asked.

"Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny" Han replied. Jason and I exchanged a few looks while Obi-Wan was quietly smiling in the corner.

"It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense" Han said. I nodded at Jason and he nodded back. I smiled and lifted as many things as possible in the area. Helmets were floating, drinks were floating. Everyone was laughing except Han Solo.

"Like I said, Tricks" He said. I thought he would say this. I concentrated on Han Solo and made him float.

"Chewie, check if there is something wrong with the gravity!" He shouted. He panicked so much it was the funniest thing ever. Still, he didn't believe in the force. Maybe I should try harder.

I made him fly through the whole ship and when he was back he panicked more than I could imagine. "Please, stop it! Put me down! Okay, I believe you!" He screamed. I let him fell hard on the floor. Everyone was laughing, even Artoo was beeping so much I understood he found it just as hilarious as I did.

"How did you do that?" Luke asked after we finished laughing.

"You'll learn, soon" I said.

"I suggest you try again if you ever want to do that" Obi-Wan said. He places a large helmet on Luke's head which covers his eyes. "This time, let go of your conscious self and act on your instinct"

Luke laughed when Obi-Wan out the helmet on his head. "With the blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?"

"Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them" Obi-Wan said. He was right.. I remembered him falling down. I just saw him fall down, I never sensed something through the force. How could I be so blind? I always trust the force. Suddenly I knew why Jedi aren't supposed to have attachments, they cloud you.. I walked into a hall with a window. I saw the stripes of light speed passing with a great speed. Obi-Wan shortly joined me.

"What is it?" He asked.

I looked at him. He was changed. His eyes looked like they had seen horror and his lines on his face shows he had aged. But me, I was just a memory of the past. An error in time. "I... I don't know... I don't belong here..." I said. A tear slipped from my eye down my cheek.

Obi-Wan looked sympathetic at me. "Kara, you know you belong here. The force has guided you to this day"

I shook my head. "No, no I don't. I am only here because Vader froze me in carbonite, that wasn't supposed to happen"

"Kara, the force doesn't always make everything better. Sometimes you need a push to do what you have to do, most times that is unfortunately something dark"

I was about to say something untill the ship began to shake like crazy. We made our way into the cockpit. Chewbacca, Han and Luke were already in the cockpit.

"Our position is correct, except... no, Alderaan" Han said

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