Chapter 3

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Yoda had assigned me to write everything I knew about Kaitara in the Jedi Archives. It was really boring and sometimes a bit too much memories. But they wanted to know everything like typical jedi. Especially Yoda wanted to learn everything, he often sat next to me when I was writing watching what I was writing. It was really uncomfortable. I understood of course, this was a major discovery for them and right now, I regret I told them anything.

"So to you according, one with the force we are not, hmm?" Yoda asked.

I nodded and said: "Well, sort of. You are not fully one with the force because you haven't done the ritual yet". Yoda nodded. He nodded though I could see in his eyes he didn't understand a word I just said. When a padawan becomes a jedi, they don't have to do a ritual with the force. On my home planet, when you finished training you had to do the force ritual. you were lifted into the force energy point. It didn't hurt, though it looked like it would hurt. After that, you got a unique blue tattoo on your head somewhere. Every time you used a lot of power, they lit up. The same happened with your eyes. I wrote all of this in the archives.

"Much power, what is, hmm?" Yoda asked. It took a moment to realize what he asked. His language was so confusing sometimes.

"Like, stopping a star ship from crashing or lifting 20 people at the same time. What also takes a lot of power are blue force balls" I explained. "You see, the dark side of the force has lighting. We have force balls. And if you're really powerful you can learn to heal yourself and others, that also takes a lot of power". I scratched myself really hard. Yoda looked kind of disturbed until I put my hand on the wound I just created. My tattoos and eyes started to glow and the wound disappeared.

Yoda was breathless. That didn't happen a lot. "See, do I" Yoda only said.

"I can only heal small wounds though" I said.


After I amazed yoda I would go training with Obi-Wan and sometimes Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan's former padawan. It was funny how every jedi reacted the same way to my force power. I already completed my training on Kaitara so I just learned about the jedi way.

"Why are we not allowed to love?" I asked Obi-Wan Kenobi in a some what rude tone. I just didn't understand. Love was good, they always taught me on Kaitara.

"When you love someone, you have a weakness. You could easily turn to the darkside because of that" He explained. That makes no sense! Love is not a weakness, it is strength. Because of love, you fight harder for things. That is exactly what I said to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Kara, I don't know what you have been taught on Kaitara but here, in the jedi temple you are not allowed to love!" He said with a somewhat angry tone.

"Yeah? So there is no love or bond between you and Anakin?" I said boldly. He didn't know how to properly respond.

"I can sense more things through the force than you might think. Even Yoda has known love and master Windu is drowning in loss of a loved one" I said bold. Obi-Wan still didn't know how to respond.

"How can you sense all of that?" He asked eventually.

I smiled. "Jedi bury their emotions very deep, some deeper than others but they always keep emotions. Jedi are not droids" I said. Obi-Wan just looked at me with his eyes wide open.

"You are one hell of an interesting girl" He said after a few minutes. "Come with me, I want to show you something". I followed him through the long and busy halls of the jedi temple. We went elevators up and down until we ended up in the spaceport of the jedi temple.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Obi-Wan smiled and jumped into the ship. "You'll see!". I followed him into the ship.


"Are we almost there?" I asked impatient.Obi-Wan ignored my comment. When we jumped out of lightspeed I saw a planet in front of me. It was Ilum, a cold planet where the sun only rises once in 19 days. I could imagine everyone there depressed. The ship landed in an area nobody seemed to live.

"get your coat" Obi-Wan commanded.

"I didn't bring a coat because you didn't tell me where you were going" I argued.

He pulled a coat of a chest and threw it at me. "Now you have" He said.

"So what are we doing here in the middle of nowhere?" I asked. We stopped in front of a giant mountain. They looked a little like the city on Kaitara, like giant crystals.

"Normally we do this in a group but I think you are strong enough to do it alone. Concentrate and try to move the stones down" He said. He raised his hand and closed his eyes. I could feel him using the force. I raised my hand too and the stones were down in a few minutes.

"That was pretty fast" He said with a smile. "Follow me". He made a 'follow me' sign with his arms and I followed him. We entered some kind of hall in the mountain. Yoda was there waiting for us. I looked around. It was very large. The top was part open. Huge statues stood tall against the wall. It looked a little like our city hall, though that was even bigger and lighter.

"Master Yoda" Obi-Wan said with a nod. I nodded too.

"Do you know why, here, you are, hmm?" Master yoda asked me. I shaked my head.

"It was a surprise" Obi-Wan smiled. I looked at him sarcastically.

"Allowed to make your own lightsaber, you are. Therefor, to find your crystal you must" Yoda said. Yes, I didn't have a lightsaber. My people didn't have lightsabers, they didn't have weapons in the first place. That is why we wanted to remain hidden. Though I'm sure the jedi would keep it a secret.

"Really? I haven't even had combat training?" I said surprised.

"We think you are a really fast learner and that you are more than ready" Obi-Wan said proud.

My people didn't think the force was a weapon like the jedi and the sith think. The jedi say they don't think that either but they use the force like a weapon so they actually do. No, my people thought it was a way of life. It is how they made decisions, how they found their way back home and so on.

Yoda moved a few objects on the ceiling around. He moved it so that the light on a giant iceberg fell. Soon after that, the iceberg started to melt and a large opening appeared.

"Enter the cave, you must" Yoda said. "Before the entrance closes" Obi-Wan added. I ran to the entrance and saw Yoda and Obi-Wan waving at me. Obi-Wan made a 'go on' sign.

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