Chapter 3: A Maudlin Rock-Rose

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every flower you see

is a woman

and when she's in bloom.-Lisa Zaran

Poem up top. I think it's a worth it read. Song is next to it.

Korali's Pov.

I felt warm and not a normal warm but a swarming burning up as if I was little sitting on top of rotisserie; baking.

I felt paralyzed though like whatever was cooking me was underneath me, trapping me to the point where I felt like I was drowning in the heat.

I pushed at whatever it was but my eyes for some reason did not want to open. I screamed, because what else was there to do? I screamed blood curdling until I felt slight hands hesitantly moving my arm to wake me up. When my eyes finally opened Max came into view and I was actually disappointed. Where was Jordan?

"What's wrong?" Max asked genuinely concerned. It was dark but my mind didn't register it. "Jordan will be back in a moment, especially since that scream was loud enough to wake the entire campus."

"Wake? Wha-" I looked to my left to see that it was dark outside. "Jordan told me he'd wake me up for class. Why would he-"

"He didn't say much but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the whole finding your process thing." I squinted still a little disoriented and confused on everything.


"Well I would imagine because you are both werewolves that it affected you both. But finding you was very painful for him. Like excruciating for weeks on end."

I only felt like that for a couple of days though. Why would he feel it for so long?

"I might want to get out of your room with your clothes on the floor like that before-" he didn't even get his sentence out before Jordan broke our dorm door his eyes their separate colors running straight to the room and flinging Max across the room. Max hit the wall but not very hard because he was expecting the throw. Jordan growled at him for a second before landing his eyes on me.

"Max, go." I rushed and he quickly left the room closing the door behind him.

"You screamed." Was it really that loud? Where was he? Did he care?

"Something's wrong with me." I mumbled and he didn't even bother asking me to elaborate.

He hesitantly stepped closer to me. He pulled down the sheet I was holding up to my chest even though I was wearing a tank. He sat next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist his eyes clenched as if it hurt him to do. Then he stuck his nose into the side of my neck and inhaled deeply. For me it felt almost erotic and if I wasn't so intimidated by him I probably would've moaned. I did let out a small gasp and grabbed his biceps tightly. He did it twice more before letting me go and quickly stepping away from me. I frowned but he ignored it.

"You'll be fine for a while."

"Wait, what is it- is it my heat?" I noticed his eyes change into his wolf's at the word heat so I probably wouldn't use that anymore.

"Yes. But it doesn't seem close so you should be fine."

"How do you-"

"Shut up." He growled and I closed my mouth immediately. I looked at my phone and the time read 9:45 pm.

I sat up with my legs hanging over the edge of my mattress, my cotton shorts hiked up to where most if not all, of my thigh was showing and Jordan turned away. I was too grumpy to even care to ask what that was about. I tried getting up only lose balance and get a head rush. Jordan then brought it upon himself to stop being an 8 year old and help me up. He raised an eyebrow at me and somehow I already knew what he was thinking.

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