Chapter 13: Aconitum's Heat

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Carve a name and a heart into me. Please.-Pleasefindthis, I Wrote This For You: Just the Words (Ian S. Thomas)

Every Time You Walk Away by D.A. Wallach(the music)

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3rd Person's Pov. (Not edited)

"There's," he cleared his throat and looked at Korali but not really at her. He was looking past her head. "There's only a couple of days till the heat starts and there's a treatment. It will take away the force that's hitting us. Before you to to your parents so you wont be in so much pain."

"I should probably visit my parents today so that I can make an excuse about why I'm there. My mom will like to think it's you. And even though it is, I'd like to not say she's right about everything; even if she is."

"Like I've told you when I first met you. I could care less what people think of me. Including your mother." He shook his head walking a little bit closer as if to intimidate her. "But know that my intentions are not to cause harm to you."

She nodded, "What is the treatment?" She didn't want to do it, but it would help if her brain wasn't so clogged with lust all the time. She would get some time away from Jordan to think and to breath and to feel like she's loved—at least by her family.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket, so she picked it up looking at the screen its glowed Peter's name and she smiled, Jordan's mouth twisting into a frown.

It read 'Hey, my friends are having a wedding. You think you could come? I'd like to see you, and it's an its adventure?'

Korali turned her back on Jordan laughing slightly and ready to send her message back. She most likely couldn't go, she knew that Jordan wouldn't let her go and it would be entirely too far to run away to.

"Is it Kaliko?" Jordan questioned. He only wondered because he hoped it wasn't that human Peter that she was so fond of. He wanted to call the human and tell him to never call back or he'd rip his teeth from his gums one by one.

"No, it's Peter." Korali laughed again when he sent a picture of a droopy puppy saying 'please? I miss you.'

Jordan's growl made Korali look up to see how he close he was and that he was reading her texts. She walked towards the house and into her room, only for him to follow her.

"It would make me very happy, Jordan." Korali muttered gently feeling tired. She's tried. She felt like she was getting nowhere with him. This all felt pointless.

"Seeing this human will?" She only nodded feeling small in the huge room her mate sitting like steel on his bed.

"If you do this I promise not to threaten to leave you again." In her mind she added I will just do it, if need be.

Jordan paused looking at her, his heart heavy in his chest. "Leaving would only hurt us both."

"Yes, but I think that staying here and watching you hate me; hurts worst."

"I don't hate you."

"My arcadia is gone Jordan. You're taking it away from me. Maybe God or fates or whatever got it wrong. Maybe were weren't meant to be. He made the rejection possible for a reason. And maybe we were just destined to be one of those rare examples." He turned away from Korali. He continued to breath and she stayed at my place near the bed. It hurt for her to even speak of rejection, the lump settled in her throat as she said the words. They felt like burning embers shoved up and out of her throat and singeing the tongue.

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