Chapter 14: Pentas' Supernova

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"he says

'i am sorry i am not an easy person to want'

i looked surprised

who said I wanted easy

i dont crave easy

i crave goddamn difficult"-Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey


Korali's Pov.(not edited)

Jordan pinned me against the wall, his head against my neck inhaling deeply. His long, thick, wet tongue licked my neck from the base up to the ear and it was sexually pleasing. I let out a moan my fingers curling into his t-shirt covered back. This was needed. My claws elongated from my nails and I'm sure I was drawing blood from Jordan's back, but he didn't seem to pay it any mind.

I could feel his hot blistering hands sliding up the sides of my stomach starting from my thighs, his finger tips grazing the skin as they went. This felt wonderfully enticing, causing me to growl lowly. My fingers worked their way into his soft dark tresses that I was glad was finally growing back since he had cut it. "Jordan," I cried when his canines grazed the delicate skin on my neck, where I was to be marked.

Jordan hiked my legs around his waist leaning up to kiss my lips. The solider was back and he just couldn't say goodbye without leaving his newlywed breathless and in anticipation that he was coming home. This kiss was nothing like our last one, it wasn't blistering; just passionate. Jordan's lips were soft and warm, and he tasted of juicy fruit gum. His tongue danced with mine, a sexual dance; the tango. He released my mouth, leaving me panting and on the edge of ecstasy. His kisses went south towards my chest and he kissed a breast through the fabric before I...

I woke up in a cold sweat my hair plastered on my forehead. I looked down to see my claws slightly extended and holes in my sheets from where I dug my fingers.

The heat.

The burn started in low in my stomach spreading to the rest of my body like a wildfire. It started out with odd rushes of tingles in all parts, as if I was a star on the verge of my final burst of life. I was a Supernova about to transcend the galaxy only to be sucked in by a black hole. Hipparchus would be mystified on my galactic force of energy.

Although an exploding star would seem beautiful from afar, it's dangerous up close. I felt that I was a volcano and the lava was extracting through my skin and if anyone were to touch me I'd set them afire.

And I couldn't hear. All I could do was feel my pulse pounding quickly and the perspiration leaking down my skin in huge drops that rivaled tears or rain. I started to breath quickly during my paralysis before I jerked myself up and everything came rushing back to me.

I got up quickly pushing the super heated, drenched in sweat, covers from my body practically running to the bathroom to cool myself off. I was disoriented so my run looked a bit drunken, and I was feeling the walls to have coolness on the way.

I stumbled into the bathroom hitting the door hard the pain having no effect on my burning body. I turned the water to the coolest setting starting the shower and getting in with all my clothes on. I crumbled to the tub floor and cried. It was truly like no other pain I've ever felt. I doubt childbirth would be this terrible.

My face was tightly pinched up as the tears blended with the water and sobs came from my mouth. I wasn't wailing like a two-year-old but I did have to catch my breath causing loud gasps to sound. I wiped at my face angrily, although it was no use because of the water sprinkling from above.

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