Chapter 9: Marcescent

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Cover my mouth, don't let a single word slip out

I wouldn't wanna tell you, no

Nothing could be worse than the risk of

Losing what I don't have now and we weakened by the minute, though

Is it so bad if I wanna cry out-Sara Barellies, 1000 Times

Please listen to the song. Its so Korali, its almost too sad to listen to.

Korali's Pov.

"Uhm. If I need to go, I could just visit my parents when the time comes." I offered with a small shrug. I could see see the hesitancy in his eyes, despite his cold disposition in this moment. We would have the week of my period to prepare for me to leave, because once those 6 days are up, the heat will start and control will be gone.

Honestly looking at Jordan I don't know how even my heat could ignite anything between us. Sure we had lust and everything, but he was brooding, intimidating, strong, even a bit acerbic. Where would I even gain the courage, or the seduction skills, or maybe just the skill in general in that department to even attempt to mate with him? Maybe that was a problem for him too.

People have types and maybe I just wasn't his. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't saying I was unattractive or anything, people just have preferences.

"I am very aware of my abilities to provide for you. But I believe it would be in both our best interests for you to do that." His attention darted from me down towards the pancake in front of him. I'm glad the silverware was in fact silver, otherwise I'm sure he would have snapped it in two from his grip. His knuckles were turning white from lack of blood flow and I'm sure he was bending the metal.

"Of course." I responded sparing my food a glance before refocusing on Jordan. He was tense and I noticed the way he was sitting was in constant stiffness. As if he was willing himself to move cautiously.

We ate in silence for a little while longer before I asked a question. I know it seemed like my lust-ridden ways were seeping into everything I did, but this question was out of pure curiosity and my needing of possibilities of a future. Of our future. If there was one.

"Uhm," I cleared my throat gaining his attention. I watched his eyes waver from my throat to my mouth back up to my eyes. "I know we-not-" I huffed out a breath trying to rephrase my words in a way that wouldn't sound crazy. "Whatever," I muttered before finally saying "Don't' you need an heir?"

Alphas were very productive when it came to children. If anything they were very fruitful when it came to the subject. They wanted a distinct bloodline-one that wouldn't be wiped out if some children die-not to say it was practiced like that now or anything. Now it was just something that happen along with procreation. Or copulation, for Jordan and I-if that ever happened.

"No." The first word of his sentence resonated through my heart with a painful ting. Like hitting a metal pole with another one; shaking my insides to the point where I felt kind of sick. "I plan to end my bloodline with me. This pack will be better off without my bloodline of alphas."

"Don't you think that's unfair for me?" I wanted children; a family. Even if I could never get him to love me, our children would.

"I never thought that I'd get a mate. I wasn't exactly looking for you." Those cold, sharp, acicular words pierced me straight through; a clean, solid, slice of a cut. But I had asked the question and got an answer. It wasn't the answer I wanted-but it was the truth for him and I couldn't be mad about it. No matter how much in my heart I wanted to be.

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