Chapter 6: "And She's Clumsy"

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And I feel so unsure and alone

Hoping to find myself in this new home

But you're not helping me again

And no one seems to understand.-me

That's Jordan's eyes when his wolf comes out. Heterochromia Iridium +Brandon Flowers, Deny My Love COMMENT AND VOTE

Korali's Pov.

I spent a couple of weeks in that house, reading books that I found and cooking, baking, and spending my time in the weeping willow. I was literally Rapunzel right now, although I could step a couple of feet away from the house.

I never saw the pack members in that time. I only saw three people; Jordan, Cailo, and Max. Max kept my spirits up by being around and I hardly, if ever, saw Jordan. I felt my wolf getting a little restless at the fact that her mate was unresponsive and away so much. But I tried to be positive, I tried to keep it at the fact that he's busy with his pack.

It was very unsettling how my mate acted towards me. No matter how much Max and Kaliko chalked it up to him being this way because it was new—something to me felt off. This wasn't normal. We weren't normal. Remaining positive was hard to do with someone who wouldn't even give you a too much of a glance.

When I got too bored to function I waited at the willow tree hoping that I wouldn't miss Jordan and that he would pass me on the way to the house. I was perched in the tree, a little higher up than usual, my body disclosed by the low hanging green leaves of the tree. I sat up listening peeping from the slight openings the wispy tree had.

The day was bright and sunny, it was 10 am and he had been out since five this morning. If this was a normal relationship—if that's what you would call it, then I could've thought he was cheating. But this was Jordan, he didn't seem like he would hide a thing like that. He didn't care enough. Plus, he said he wouldn't touch another woman, which I believed because he never gave a reason for me not to.

After about thirty minutes I saw the large figure of my mate storming through the open field of the land our home was on. I saw him pause for a minute, his piercing gaze scanning through the area for something unknown to me. Maybe he could smell me, but not know where I was coming from.

He looked beautiful; especially from this view. His long brown hair slightly curled at the ends were in his eyes and the sun was shining from the side of his nicely shaped face. His smooth tanned skin, his green eyes highlighting his face. His lips were full both bottom and top, although he had a bottom lip that looked like it'd be great to bite.

I shook my head and analyzed him more. He was wearing a light gray T-shirt, and a pair of black sweat pants, his feet were bare so I knew that he had come from something that required him shifting.

I could tell he was highly skilled and aware of his surroundings. There was only a slight crunch of the grass as he walked across it; he was very light on his feet. I noticed his eyes dart ever so slightly, and his jaw clenching.

He paused at the tree was in for a moment before turning his head and away and continuing to walk away.

When he was about to pass up the tree so I tried to get down only to lose my footing and fall out of the tree with a "oof." Jordan watch it happen and walked over to me slowly hoisting me up by the back of my shirt. It reminded me of a mother wolf holding her pup by the tuff of the fur.

"And she's clumsy," he muttered rolling his eyes. I huffed wiping my clothes off to get any dirt I accumulated off before looking up at him in the eyes.

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