Chapter 18: Home

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"People don't just change over night.

And the burn doesn't just go away.

Flowers are awaiting their flight.

To give their love away."

Song up top is Throne by Bring Me The Horizon

Not happy at all with this chapter. I might have to come back to fix it. Enjoy! COMMENT AND VOTE! Garden.

 Enjoy! COMMENT AND VOTE! Garden

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Korali's Pov.(not edited)

"Why?" I questioned, my eyes slightly widened and my fingers trembling. If I didn't know that she killed for a living I would have went and beat her with a stick. But I wasn't naïve or stupid; she was capable of the swiftest murder.

She rolled her eyes, her gray shirt and dark black jeans loose on her body. She was pale and thin but not in a sickly way. "Just like my son with all the questions."

"Why wont you just let him be happy? Why would you hurt him as a child?" I rushed out not thinking just spewing my thoughts at her.

"I have no softness, everything I did was for his benefit. I wanted the rough, ruthless alpha for a son, since my mate was not. But the boy can't even do that right." Her hand curled around the fence. Then she looked up and made strong eye contact with me. "But you, you are the key."

"I don't believe Jordan's going to become crazy because of our mating?" It was a question and a statement. Because all their words were starting to make me wonder if it was possible.

"Of course not." She rolled her eyes "I'm not crazy," Uh, I beg to differ. "I want power, and Jordan—and well you, are now are the key. My mom was weak; my dad was weak. They didn't think I'd get an Alpha. But I got a weak one, like them." Her face turned up in distaste. "He looked good though." She shrugged bouncing on the silver weak fence that she was sitting on.

"We're not going to help you in any way" I affirmed strongly not backing down from eye contact. It was the only thing I could do. I wasn't trying to try death.

"So I'm going to have to do this the hard way." What hell did that mean? I backed up a step running into a tingly body.


"Why did you leave those messages at the field between our territory and the Amber Pack?" Jordan's voice was deep but low. Easily heard with our ears though. Jordan's mom rolled her tongue across her teeth in a carefree way; as if she was completely comfortable here.

"I wouldn't be caught by the Amber Pack. We all know they're a bunch of weak losers. Especially that worthless daughter. That would be an easy slaughter; for me alone."

He quickly put me behind him. "Leave." He growled through his teeth.

"If I thought you had the balls to kill me do you think I'd come here still calling you worthless? No? Exactly. Like come on, you'd actually live up to one expectation if that were to happen but you can't even do that right." She snorted, her hand pushing a small fray of penny bronze hair behind her ear. "I've only come to see what you a got as a mate." She gave me onceover "She's pretty, a little too short and thin, lots of unreasonable hair, and she seems soft. Like a cookie; easy to control. Doesn't seem like a challenge enough."

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