Chapter 10: Ceremonial Plumerias

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This is the longest chapter I've EVER written at 7,667 words and 16 pages on Word. I would appreciate a lot of comments and votes. It would mean so much because I worked soo hard on it. Thank you! Mahalia's eyes. SHARE SHARE SHARE! Leave inlines too!

My doctor say you're no good

But people say what they wanna say

And you should know if I could

I'd breathe you in every single day-Selena Gomez, Hands To Myself

Korali's Pov.(Not edited)

I decided to snoop in the room a little until I could go to sleep. Because why not? I was going to be stuck in here till tomorrow anyway. I would go to my ceremony, become part of the pack, lock myself in my room for the rest of the day-well to Jordan's knowledge I would be. I planned on sneaking out as soon as he let me go into my room. It was the perfect planning and timing on fates behalf because the Luau is at night and so is my ceremony. I already called Kaliko and told her where to meet me by in the forest to take me back home. It was only about a 45-minute drive.

Getting past Max and the guards would be the hard part. But I would tell them that Jordan is meeting me at the border to visit my parents and I'll tell Max that he'd either let me do this or make me cry. He was one of those guys. While Jordan didn't mind making me cry, Max couldn't bare to see it. He says "No one deserves to be that unhappy, while I'm around."

I looked around the dark gray room looking for anything that seemed different than a regular extra room. When I couldn't, I looked into the closet. It appeared to be mostly empty except for one box. It was a shoe box-old obviously, because the marking to tell what kind of shoe was in it was long faded.

I reached, getting on my tippy toes to bring the box down onto the ground. I sat crisscross and opened the box slowly blowing the dust off dramatically. Because why not? Once the top was off I picked up a handful of papers.

They were old drawing and beautiful pictures of wolves and people, of a pond that I'm sure I passed in the forest before. There was one that stuck out the most. It was of a little girl. She looked so cute and young. She looked about 4, with lengthy brown hair that touched her elbow-but was braided into little pigtails. He round eyes were what stuck out the most. One was brown and the other was green.

But werewolves don't get their wolves until they are 15, so it was a natural case of hetero-chromia iridium. She didn't necessarily look like Jordan or anything. So I'm not sure who she is to him. She was a very beautiful little girl.

It struck my heart of how many pictures were drawn and they were so good. They were so realistic and they made me feel like I was actually seeing the person in flesh. After I got past all the art, I got actual pictures; photographs.

There were multiple of the little girl, then I saw one that made me pause. It was of Jordan. I knew it was him, I could tell. His handsome face was much younger although he didn't seem much happier. But he did look a little less defensive, not by much.

I flipped to the next and a breath caught in my throat again. These were photos that I'm sure if I weren't snooping I would have never saw. It was of Jordan at about roughly 10 years old and holding a baby.

His expression was fixed into one of weariness and that worried me that a child could have so early. I couldn't help but admire his adorable, chunky cheeks, his thick dark hair, vibrant forest green eyes, his thick eyebrows, with his no so cheerful disposition. He was a bit gangly, and although his cheeks were plump, his body was skinny as if he was hitting early puberty-I'm sure an alpha trait.

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