Chapter 29: This Will Mark The End

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Song above is Love is Louder by Karmin.

Flowers that burn make beautiful ashes.

Korali's Pov.(Not edited)

When I finally opened my heavy eyelids, everything was bit bleary and for a moment I was confused on what was going on. When I opened my eyes and could see clearly I saw the bars that I was behind. My legs and hands had long thick rusty chains around them. I pulled a bit to see if I could break them but I only bruised my skin to the point where it was almost cut open.

I panicked and looked around to see if I could find Jordan. When I didn't see his body anywhere I worried that they may have killed him already. But I didn't feel it in my heart. I would have felt it. My wolf would have felt something. Our connection wasn't severed. Or perhaps it was just our baby blocking it.

I quickly scrubbed at my eyes to wipe the tears away, trying to shove away the tears. I was going to be alright. Jordan was fine. He'd be through that door any moment. That I'm sure of.

I tried to stand the wind being knocked out of me when a contraction hit. I gasped "Oh, now its not the time, sweetie." I wanted to cry and be curled up in Jordan's lap back home. I wanted to reconcile fully with my mom and dad. I wanted to meet Kaia. I wanted to see Kaliko, Peter, Max, Cailo, and Arion. I hope they were alright.

I tried on the bars, testing if any of them were weak. I didn't have that much energy myself, especially with the super heavy chains. I could scream but what would that do. With my heightened hearing, I could tell that these walls were either super thick or soundproof. Either way, I wasn't going to be heard.

When I heard a door open and someone clomping down the stairs and dragging something with them, I quickly placed myself back where I was and played as if I was asleep. I slowed my breathing, and although my heart was erratic, it could easily be mistaken as Zavier's.

I couldn't smell anything, but I felt the presence of two people. One female and another male.

The male's fingers bit into the soft flesh of my wrist. I opened my eyes squealing pain. My assailant was a random male, whom I've never seen before. "Get up!" I scrambled to my feet, his hands still on my wrist.

"Enough, Kalian. You may leave her alone." He nodded, and the proceeded to drag what looked like Jordan's form into the cell with except he seemed almost lifeless.

A cry escaped my throat as I scrambled to get close to my mate. Kalian slapped my face, actively pushing me away as he dropped Jordan's head onto the concrete ground of the cell.

I screamed from the force, my face feeling heated but I still didn't cry. When I hit the ground my face slid slightly across the floor, scratching open my cheek.

Kalian stood up and walked out of the cell and then Jordan's mother sauntered in, a cool smile onto her face. No remorse, no feelings. She let out a bark of laughter when he walked out, "I guess having one human sociopath around isn't so bad right?"

"Why?" I managed to cry out, slowly crawling my way to Jordan.

I gauged her reaction, she only rolled her eyes leaning against the bars. I placed my hands on his chest, feeling a small rise and fall. I breathed out, relieved a solitary tear dropping onto his body.

"I guess, I can be cliché and tell you my whole diabolical plan since you and my son are going to die here." She spoke carelessly, as if she was talking about a casual experience, not murder.

I choked back a fearing squeak and just lightly slid my hand up and down Jordan's mutilated arm.

"Well as I've warned countless times, I was coming for the new design. Which is your baby. Didn't think my chump of a son would ever impregnate you. But it happened and it's a boy! Saved me lots of waiting." She chuckled, casually filing her nails,

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