Chapter 11: Lotus Lake

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You may be my final match
'Cause I chase everything when you play
Throw and I play catch
It never took much to keep me satisfied
But all the bullshit you feed me you miss me
You need me

This hungry heart will not subside-Sara Bareilles(the stripped one is above)


Korali's Pov.(Not edited)


"What?" Jordan asked lifting his head and eying me wearily. Something about that that riddle and those backwards lettering bothered him. Like really bothered him. It was to the point where he seemed to be getting sick a lot. After waking up the next day it came to me. The riddle's answer was love.

He was sitting in his office staring down at a stack of papers, but it didn't seem like he was actually concentrating or reading them.

"The answer to the riddle is love. An old invention, as old as time, you can't see it, drives mankind insane a gift and curse of divine. It's love." I answered and then I squinted in thought, "The only question is why would whoever is leaving these cryptic messages, leave a riddle about love?"

Jordan looked off into the corner of the room and shook his rolling his eyes. "Typical."

"The backwards lettering decoded to 'she's so pretty. Love you.' Are they talking about me?"

"Sounds like..." I couldn't make out if he said 'sounds like him' or 'sounds like her'. Sounded like who?

I opened my mouth to ask him what he was talking about but he beat me to speaking. "Was there another reason why you're in here?" I tried to ignore his snippy tone, but his blank stare almost broke my resolve. Then I looked at his wrists.

There was something different about Jordan's wounds. Werewolves tend to heal very fast but he has this open wounds around his wrist. They weren't like razor cuts and they didn't look self inflicted. It looked like cuffs or chains had ripped into the skin of his wrists. The slices were jagged and fresh as if done just yesterday. They were still almost bleeding. When he saw where my eyes went he hurriedly slid his hands underneath his desk.

"Jordan," I mumbled softly my hands softly touching his arm. They seemed too fresh, like yesterday and that bothered me. What could he possibly have been doing to cut himself so terribly?

"Its nothing. Don't worry about it."

"I could-" I swallowed. What I was about to say seemed so erotic, when truthfully it was an actual remedy. "I could help you."

Mate saliva tended to heal small wounds. During the mating the boy will bite into the girl's neck to mark her as his. Once this is complete, he will proceed to lick the new wound, coating it in his saliva which will heal it over a bit. Mate saliva couldn't help big wounds like a broken leg or a serious cut-it wasn't meant for that, just small wounds. I wasn't even sure if his cuts on his wrist were small enough for me to heal, but it was worth the try.

"I don't-I don't think it'd be appropriate" was his response. I raised an eyebrow at him, my hand gripping his forearm.

"I just want to help you."

His eye twitched slightly and I took that as an opportunity. I don't know where all this new courage to put myself near Jordan came but I think it has something to do with my heat. How I would get through that still managed to bother me everyday.

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