My partner in crime

63 13 9

March 8th 2023


"You may not have known her as well as I did,
But she stood out nonetheless,
She has a heart so soft that she let's everyone in,
Yet she could humiliate you if you made it a mess.

Her smile shines bright like the sun cast on the meadows,
Her voice so soothing all the while, saying to herself that she isn't perfect,
But really that was just a lie,
For she was the one to pull me out in my darkest times,
The one who stood by while she suffered inside.

This little girl has gone through so much,
Dancing in her own little world,
Stepping over the broken shards of glass,
Watching her twist and twirl,
She was the star that shined brighter than the moon,
The one who would say that the glass was both half empty and half full,
The one who wouldn't care how rude she could be,
As long as she made someone laugh she would be pleased.

She never realised how important she really was,
Always wanting some validation,
I don't ever think she knew that-
She meant the world to me,
A shoulder to cry on,
And someone who would listen.

Clinging to my arm and having that matching energy,
She always knew when something was up,
So she made it her mission to find out what was wrong,
To make me feel better and brush off my problems,
I always wonder how she did it,
How she managed to pull off a smile at the end of the day,
Sometimes it faded,
But like she did for me- I did the same,
It hurt me seeing her so sad,
Seeing her so hurt,
Sometimes something as simple as a hug was all that she needed to let it all out.

She did the most silliest things,
Pulling off the most riskiest stunts,
Having our fun with glow sticks and such,
Our fun would never end,
Every moment was shared and spent,
Even small arguments seemed to have made amends,
We'd gossip over school,
And mock the boys we used to call men,
Even skip one or two classes,
And all would be worth it in the end.

You might not know her as well as I did,
But if you ever got the chance,
To be called her friend,
To see her smile,
I'd say it would be worth the while,
Because you'd see that she's worth more than the finest stones,
For she is my best friend,
The one who never failed to make me smile,
The one I would call a sister,
We might not be related by blood,
But we've never been so close than ever.

My best friend,
My partner in crime,
All I want to say is thank you,
After 4 years apart,
You're the one that kept me going,
The only true friend I've ever really had."



- Dedicated to my best friend ♡

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