The storm

50 8 19

May 11th 2023


"Life is like a storm . . .
Too many things blowing all at once,
In every direction,
And at every pounce . . .
This storm never ended however,
Going on for many days and many months,
You strive for the best days to come,
Hoping that life will calm down,
But the storm only worsens,
Causing you to just sit and frown.

The destruction caused by such chaos,
You'd instantly blame the weather,
Everyone would do the usual and point fingers,
Always hoping for the better,
But have you ever thought to ask-
What beauty came from this mess created,
The strong waves and fierce winds,
The blazing fire and the disastrous quakes.

Sure life is messy but you can also find peace,
Watch as the storm continues,
For at the end lays something unique,
The damp air and clouds so sweet,
Maybe even a town so lively and upbeat.

Life isn't all bad so to say,
There are times where we just feel like we can't be bothered with today,
Do this and do that,
Do the same on repeat,
Don't say a word and don't make a mistake,
Like a helpless machine handling more than it can take.

Life is like a storm,
So big and so scary,
Frightening the little ones who are so bold and so daring,
Telling you they're not scared when you could tell they were,
Hiding under a blanket with a startled glare,
We were all like that at some point in our lives,
We just can't help but to laugh inside,
Wondering how we were so weak and always stepping out of line,
Yet so courageous at the same time.

Life can be messy,
Life can be sweet,
Life can feel endless,
Each day going on repeat,
Life can be short,
Life can be long,
Life can be boring,
Or as interesting as a song.

Life can feel heavy,
Life can be a drag,
The days can seem to blur together,
Each day being a nag,
Life can be brutal,
Life can make you feel so weak,
Life can leave you awake at night,
Wondering why you can't get to sleep.

There are days however,
Days that can get you through the strom,
Days that you can put down the mask and feel like you are back to your norm,
Days that can put a smile to your face,
Days that can be filled with love and grace,
You just need to wait for the end of the strom,
And I know it can feel so long and so dreadful,
But just smile for me regardless of the matter,
For your smile will always be more beautiful than any other,
Just keep smiling through this storm,
You only have one life after all,
The journey may be long ahead,
But so was the strom which you had watched sitting from your bed."


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