Chapter 9: 3rd Person POV

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The rest of the night followed in a similar pattern as the night before did. This time, however, Madison joined Christen and Tobin in the living room for dinner.

"So Madi, tomorrow we were thinking that if you were up to it that we could go over to the park and shoot around for a bit. Get you used to playing around professionals before we get to camp." Tobin explains to the young girl sitting on the floor.

Madison tilts her head to the side in compilation before nodding a minute later.

"Perfect and then after we thought that we might go out to dinner with a couple of Portland players. That way you can meet them before our game on Wednesday. Does that sound alright?" Christian asks her. "And if tomorrow it becomes too much we can just come home."

"Ya-a th-that s-s-sound-ds f-fine to-to me."

"Good. Are you done eating?"

Madison looks down at her plate, Tobin had made veggie burgers and french fries for dinner. "Oh uh y-ya. It-t was-s very-ry g-g-good. Th-thank-k you you." She finished about half of the burger and all of her fries.

"Why don't you head up and get ready for bed? We'll be up in a minute." Christen tells her.


Madison's POV

I head upstairs and change into my sleep clothes. I then head into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I'm quickly done with that and head into the room. I sit on the bed waiting for the older women to come in.

It doesn't take long before there is a light knock on the door and Christen is asking if she can come in. instead of answering I jump down from my bed and open the door.

"Hey, we should probably clean your cuts again before you go to bed, then again in the morning. Tomorrow will probably be the last time that we have to do it."

I nod my head. "Alright, let's head into the bathroom."

It's a whole lot less painful than it was the first time that she had done it.

"You're all set. Do you need anything else before you head to bed?"

I shake my head, "I-I'm a-all g-g-good. Th-thank-ks th-though."

"No problem kid," She goes to russell my hair but pulls back when I flinch. "Sorry. Good night."


Christen closes the door again as she leaves the room. I head back into the closet and call it a night, 'No need to worry right now, I can do that again in the morning.'

Christen's POV

I head back down to the living room.

"Hey, how is she?"

"She's fine. I think that she is still settling in."

"Well that makes sense, this is a big adjustment for her. We just need to give her time. Do you think that she is ready for tomorrow? Do you think we are pushing her into too much too soon?"

"I think that it's either now or in a few days. At least now we can come home if we need to."

"That's true. We'll just have to keep a close eye on her to make sure that she's doing ok."

I give her a smile, "Sounds like a plan to me. Let's head to bed, it's going to be a long day tomorrow."

The next morning

Tobin and I wake up early the next morning and we take turns jumping into the shower. When we're done and dressed Tobin heads downstairs to start on breakfast while I check my email. After not opening it for three days I am surprised at the lack of emails in my inbox.

When I finish up I go over to Madison's room to wake her for breakfast.

*Knock Knock*

"Madi, are you awake yet?" There's no answer. I knock again. 'She's probably not up yet.' I slowly open the door and walk in. I go over to the bed to wake her up. I stop in my tracks, 'Where is she? Did she run? No, no, that doesn't make any sense.' I shake that notion out of my head. 'Tobin said that she was in the closet the first day that she came. When she ran up the stairs scared.'

I go over and softly knock on the door to her closet. When there is still no answer I once again slowly open the door. She has herself prompted up against the wall with a pillow and blanket.

"Hey, Madi. It's time to wake up." I say as softly as I can. I reach down and shake her shoulder gently. She shoots up and immediately pushes herself as far back into the corner as she can.

"Hey, hey it's ok. You're ok. No one's here to hurt you." After a few minutes, she is able to calm down. "Why don't you go take a shower and meet us downstairs for some food? Sound good?"

She nods. "Perfect, we'll meet you downstairs when you're done."


Madison's POV

Once Christen was gone I finally felt like I could breathe again. 'She didn't say anything about the closet. Is she waiting until later to punish me? Is she waiting to tell Tobin so that she can do it?' Before I can spiral too far into a panic attack I head into the bathroom to shower. 'I wish that I could use warm water, that would probably help me clear my mind up a bit.'

I head downstairs as soon as I'm done and dressed, 'That food smells amazing, hopefully, I get some like I did yesterday.' When I make it downstairs Tobin is pulling cinnamon rolls out of the oven.

"Hey kiddo," she says, "just in time. They're fresh out of the oven." I give her a smile and unconsciously lick my lips.

"Looks like someone's hungry." That comes from Christen in the living room. I put my head down and blush. 'Come on Madi, you need to stop doing stupid things in front of your idols. They're going to start thinking that you're an idiot and give you up. They wouldn't do that right? Coach wouldn't let them do that? But if I'm here and they don't want me, would they hurt me?'

"Hey Madi, you're ok. Can you breathe for me? It's ok. Take some deep breaths, it's ok. You're ok. You're safe. Can you open your eyes for me? That's it. You got this."

I finally get my eyes open and breathing under control. It's Christen kneeling in front of me.

"Good, that's good. You did a really good job Madi. I'm proud of you." My eyes shoot up to meet hers.


"I said you did a really good job and that I'm proud of you. Panic attacks are scary and can be hard to come down from, but you did it. You want to have something to eat now?" I nod my head. "Alright, I'll bring you a plate, go ahead and take a seat at the counter."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed!

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