Part 19: Madison's POV

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"Alright, Mad's go ahead and grab your bags." When we finally unload the car and head inside I'm having a hard time breathing. We stop in line at security and Tobin gently wraps her arms around my shoulders, "It will be ok." I nod, "Alright that's it. Just breathe, you're doing good." I try to take deep breaths.

We make it through security with no issues and head to check our bags. The suitcase Tobin's letting me borrow is small enough to go in as my carry-on and my backpack can go under my seat.

"Let's head over to the waiting area. Tobin's going to get us some drinks." I follow her and sit bringing my knees to my chest. I don't even realize any time has passed until Tobin taps me with a cold bottle. I look up at her before taking the offered water.

We only wait about an hour and a half before we start boarding. We sit towards the back of the plane and they sit me in between them. They help me settle my things and we wait for the rest of the plane to board. Soon after, the flight attendant starts her pre-flight speech. I start getting restless and am having trouble staying calm. Christen hands me a piece of gum before taking my other hand.

"It will keep your ears from popping," She tells me after I don't do anything with it. I unwrap it and place it in my mouth. The flight attendant finishes her speech and we start our ascent.

I ball my fists causing my knuckles to turn white and my fingernails to dig into my palms. Christen takes my fingers and wraps her hand between them and my palm. "You're ok. Everything is going to be fine." A small whimper escapes my lips as I shake my head. I bring my hand not grasped by Christen to squeeze the side of my neck, but Tobin takes that one into her own grasp.

After a few minutes of the plane being settled in the air, Tobin asks, "Would it help to listen to some music?" I hesitate just long enough for Tobin to just grab her phone and earbuds out of her bag. She hands me the bus as she plugs them into her phone. "Do you have a preference?" I shake my head. She nods. When I place them in my ears I'm met with calm and relaxing music.

This is how I sit for the rest of the flight to camp. I keep my eyes closed and have a firm grip on each of the female player's hands. 'I shouldn't be taking up their time and space like this. They are going to be so mad when they get me alone.' Even with these thoughts, I couldn't make myself let go. 'Just a little while longer,' I think to myself, 'I let them make it better for just a little while longer.'

I start panicking again as the plane starts its descent and Tobin leans me over and holds me until the plane touches the ground. When the seatbelt light turns off Tobin gets hers while Christen gets mine. Tobin then brings me into her arms and holds me gently as the rest of the plane starts to disembark.

"Shh, it's ok. It's ok now. Everything is ok." There are silent tears falling from my eyes as I try to not sink into Tobin's embrace. As soon as it's clear they get me off the plane and sat down outside the gate.

"You're ok, it's all over now. No more flying today. We're done. We're done." Christen passes me my water bottle. I take a few small sips and try to even out my breathing. A while later we set out to find our luggage, "At least we're like the only ones left." Tobin says smiling down at me. I blush and duck my head down.

"Let's get out of here we should get there just in time to have dinner with everyone who's already there." I gulp, 'Another dinner? What if this one turns out like the last one did?'

"Hey, Chris why weren't AD, Sonny, Kling, Linds, and Long on the plane with us?"

"AD, Sonny, and Kling flew straight out yesterday right after the game. Linds and Long both flew out after us. They should be in the air now."

"Alright, so we have some time before..." She glances over at me before taking my hand in hers. "Everything's going to be ok. Everyone is going to love you, just like we do, ok?" I look up at her with wide eyes. I can't even respond as our ride pulls up.

When we get into the car I place my head in my knees trying to compose and steel myself for meeting other members of the team.

"Are you ok?" Cristian asks from beside me. I nod unable to find the words to respond. "Alright, let me know if you need anything." I nod once again before letting the lull of the car put me to sleep.


I'm shaken awake by Tobin outside of the hotel. "You ready to go in?" I nod. "We have to meet with coach first so we can put our bags in our rooms before we can go down to dinner."

"O-ok." We head down a hallway to a meeting room where Coach and a number of members from the training and medical staff are meeting. I'm hesitant to walk in until Christen tells me that, "It's ok Mads, they're expecting us."

Christen walks in first cutting off what they were discussing, "Sorry to interrupt, but we were hoping to get our room assignments?"

"Ah, Press, Heath, and Madison. Welcome to Spring Camp 2017. Let's see, Press you are in 207 with Kriger, Heath 209 with Morgan, and Madi 215 with Mal." We all nod and take our key cards from her. "Morgan and Mal are already here. Press Kriger will be getting in around midnight, so just watch out for that."

"Thanks for the heads up." We exit the room and head to the elevator.

"That bit..."


She glances down at me and Tobin's head gaze follows. "Sorry, I... It's just that..."

"I know, but it will be ok. Nothing is going to happen that is going to make this not ok. We just need to see the layout of everyone in between us."

I glanced between them as they talked, 'What was wrong about what coach said?'

"Kid look at me." My gaze snaps to Tobin's. "If anything happens, anything at all, especially something that you don't like or aren't comfortable with, you have to tell one of us. No matter what time or what we're doing, you need to tell one of us, ok." I nod my head.

"No, Madi we have to hear you say it. This is really important."

"O-ok, I-I will."



When we get to the second floor we go to Christen's room first. She just sets her bags on one of the beds. "I can worry about unpacking later, especially since Ali won't be in until late." We go over to Tobin's room next where she almost runs into someone going through the doorway.



"I missed you. And Chris it's been too long."

"We played each other like two weeks ago."

"Doesn't matter." She says her head still in Tobin's shoulder. "Go ahead and put your stuff down then we can go to dinner. I just have to go get Kelly."

"Actually we still have to get this one settled," Tobin tells her pointing to me.

"What? Who's this?"


"Well, Madison it's nice to meet you."

"Coach asked us to take her in so that she could come to camp. She's pretty awesome and she's really going to make a difference out on the field." Christen explains.

"I can't wait to see it. Who are you rooming with?"


"That'll be nice. She should be able to help you navigate this team while being so young."

"I'm going to go help Madi get settled and we'll meet you guys down at dinner. What room is Kelly?"

"She's down in 204 with AD."

"Alright, let's get going kid." Christen starts walking down the hallway and I quickly follow her leaving Tobin with Alex.

A/N: Please vote and leave a comment. Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas, I'm always open to suggestions.

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