twenty nine

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Read A/N at end

Lexy's POV

Looking out the window I let out a sigh, the soft sound of rain hitting against the house filled the silence as I sat there alone.

Sleep wasn't an option anymore, I had to protect my mate and if that meant staying up all night then so be it.

"Smalls its four in the morning, go to bed." I heard Luca's low voice from the doorway, I simply shook my head resting my chin on my knee.

I felt the couch sink in next to me and a moment later a blanket was draped over my shoulders bringing me a comfortable amount of warmth "We are going to keep him safe Lex, I promise you that." His vibrant eyes burned a whole in me waiting for a reaction but I just nodded slightly knowing even his promise meant nothing in this situation.

"Why don't you go up to bed with Justin, I'm sure once he finds out you're not by him he will be upset, that's not what you want right?" I looked over at him for a moment before pondering his words, he was right, if I was going to protect my mate I might as well do it where I can see and feel him.

I got up slowly letting the blanket fall from my shoulders and proceeded upstairs leaving Luca alone, in the dark.

As I walked up the stairs every shadow seemed to set me off, the slightest movement, the creaking of the stairs as my weight was pressed against them, it all made me become even more cautious than I was before.

Opening the bedroom door I smiled at the sight of my sleeping mate, my little mate.

I carefully occupied the space next to him making sure not to disturb him and turned on my side so I could watch as the rain fell outside.

I heard him murmur something sleepily before the weight of his arm came to my waist, his other found its way to my hair giving it a few run throughs with his fingers before all his movement seized, the only thing I could hear were his steady breathing and the calming beat of his heart.

Even if I could protect him from this man who is to say he just stops and gives up? For all I know he could turn up when we are least expecting it and take away the most important thing I have, Justin.

My eyes demanded sleep but my body wouldn't give in, I had been awake now for forty six hours and no amount of coffee or cheap energy drinks could shake the tiredness off.

Although the rain was soothing in its rhythmic pattering it was no match to the thoughts running through my head, all the scenarios my brain had developed which had scared me more than anything, all the 'what ifs'.

My eyes raked over the knife on my bedside table making sure it was still there, and indeed it was.

I have never liked guns, not after I 'killed' my uncle, I may still own a few but to touch them puts my body on edge.

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