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doesnt the gif remind you of how cute and innocent Justin acts?

I stared into his warm clouded eyes, his bottom lip popped out in a pout "Justin-" I drifted off trailing my eyes down to his crouch "Lee Lee." He whimpered when I softly pushed him away, I couldn't do this, not now

I stormed off towards the living room, thoughts ran wildly through my head. I had promised myself I wouldn't do any of this, he doesn't realize it but the moment I would touch him there he would relive every horror the past has brought him, I couldn't do that to him.

"A-Are y-you m-mad?" Anger and rage consumed me at his shaky words, stay calm Lexy, just stay calm

The blood pumped harder and faster through my veins, my inner dragon roared for me to shut him up.

You don't need him Lexy, the voice taunted lowly making me clutch my ears in pain

"Shut up." I growled lowly targeted towards both the voice and Justin, I was losing my composure, nothing I did could prevent the inevitable 

"Lee Lee?" I yelled out at the sound of his voice, all control being thrown out the window as I looked up at the innocent boy standing in front of me

"SHUT THE HELL UP! WHY THE HELL IS THAT SO HARD FR YOU TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND!?" I roared making him shake with fear, my inner dragon smirked at the sight, egging me on to do more, say more

Breaking out into a full rage I began throwing and destroying everything in sight, loud inhuman like growls rattled through my chest as my inner human shrank deeper into the depths "G-Go- bathroom." My inner human called out in a last attempt to protect Justin, but there his body remained, shaking in fear.

That's when all hell broke loose.

Justin's POV(requested)

Looking up into her eyes made me shake even more so than before, this wasn't my Lee Lee, what is happening. 

She threw things, yelled and screamed, her feet stomped toward me but stopped just a few feet short, her eyes flashed normal as beads of sweat collected at her hair line "G-Go- bathroom." She whimpered quietly, almost in a plea for me to leave her before she does something she will regret

I froze not knowing what to do, after that point it was to late, her body towered over mine in a fit of rage as she heaved heavily "You're so pathetic, so fucking pathetic." She spat drifting into a stiff harsh chuckle 

"Lee Lee d-dont-" I began but she cut me off "Lee Lee d-dont." She mocked emphasizing my stutter, a part of me told myself not to take it personally but my Dion began to cry silently "Awe did I hurt the babies feelings?" She laughed "Quit being such a fucking kid, your eighteen years old and act like a five year old." She scuffed lowly, taking yet another step towards me nearly stepping on my foot

"Lee Lee p-please s-stop." I whimpered loudly, but that only seemed to feed her anger, the way her eyes glimmered with anger, the stature of her figure made memories flashed through my head

"50 lashes, count every one slut." Master growled, the leather belt hung from his hand

I cowered further against the cold concrete wall, tears flowed uncontrollably from my eyes landing on my bare chest. I was ripped from my position and strung up in the middle of the room by handcuffs, my chest exposed for him to do whatever he wished to, and that's exactly what he was going to do

The whip cracked against the skin of my abdomen, as hard as it was I muffled my screams not wanting to feed his motivation more.

Twenty harsh lashes left my skin to bleed and burn against the slowly circulating air, my body was nothing but limp, my shallow breaths made it hard for my body to with stand anymore "Mommy." I cried out in exasperation

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