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So sorry for the lack of updates, hope yall don't hate me.

Months had passed, not another threat targeting the Dion was received much to the Dragon Valleys relief but something else was brought about.

She hadn't been the same over the past few months, the few people around her noticed it but made it a mission to keep their mouths shut and act like everything was okay but in reality, everything was the exact opposite.

She'd go days without eating, staring off into space with a blank look, her eyes outlined with a deep discolored ring making it clear sleep was another thing she seemed to be deprived of.

At first the Dion blamed himself, thinking it was something he did but it was deeper than that, so much deeper.

With what energy she did possess it was dedicated to her soul mate, taking care of him, cherishing him, making sure he would never feel the way she did currently yet she shunned herself every day for doing so, she knew doing this only fed his love for her, something she craved and wanted but as soon as the thought of his feelings crossed her mind the walls went up and she isolated herself from him.

She had found out three months ago to be exact after digging through her mother's old journals, it became apparent to her etching its way into the back of her mind demanded to always be felt by her.

She was a walking time bomb, only she knew it, telling the people around her was something she didn't even want to consider, in her mind it would be better if it happened suddenly, easier for them to move on.

Lucas POV

"She's going insane dad, maybe she found out what really happened to her mom." My father's eyes studied me for a moment before standing to his feet, his six foot broad frame towered over my, his body radiated with intimidation "What happened to her mother is none of your concern Luca, as far as she is concerned her mother was killed by Ray and that's how it will remain." He threatened taking a step towards me, giving him a side look I just shook my head.

"You know what happened to her and you're not even going to tell Lexy? Dad seriously she knows her mom wasn't killed by Ray so why don't you just tell her what really happened so she can accept it and start getting back to normal." Sure my words were bold but Lexy was like a sister to me and she deserved to know what happened to her own mother.

"Luca I will not say it again, this conversation is over and you will not breath a word of this to Lexy am I understood?" Narrowing my eyes I slowly nodded my head, he muttered something under his breath before waving me off with a flick of his wrist.

Letting out a frustrated puff of air I exited his office, whatever he was hiding I didn't like it. Whatever was in Lexy's mind was more than likely wrong and I was determined to get the truth one way or another.

"H-Hello?" I was surprised to hear Justin's timid voice as the one who answered the phone "Hey Justin its Luca, how's Lexy doing today?" I asked supporting the phone against my ear with my shoulder "S-She's um- normal I-I guess." The way his voice quivered told me he was lying, the guy loved her with all of his heart so him trying to protect her was understandable.

"Do I need to come over and talk to her Justin?" A silence settled over the line for a moment before he muttered a yes, without another word I hung up and exited the building out to my car which was parked on the curb.

As soon as I pulled up to the dimly lit house I jumped from the car ascending the porch steps to the front door. Not bothering to knock I walked in shutting the door quietly behind me, my eyes roamed the main floor and spotted Justin sitting on the living room floor watching a movie, oblivious to my presence.

"Hey Justin." He jumped slightly whipping his head around, his eyes met mine and a small smile stretched across his face "H-Hi Luca." Climbing to his feet he turned off the movie "She i-is upstairs." Dropping his gaze to the floor he shifted on the balls of his feet slowly.

"Smalls?" I called out walking into the bedroom, a clatter came from the bathroom followed by the door being pulled open "Luca? What are you doing here?" She asked flustered and out of breath, my eyes looked over her slowly, scanning her for any signs of physical harm because at this point I wouldn't put it past her.

"I just thought I would come by and check up on you." Smiling I pulled her into a soft hug, she returned it wrapping her arms tightly around my torso making it clear she needed a hug "What's going on smalls, talk to me." I pleaded quietly, gently running my fingers through her soft damp hair, I felt her let out a shaky breath against my chest pulling back from the hug.

"I can't even begin Luca, I've found out so many things in the past months and honestly I don't even know what to believe anymore." Placing my hand on the small of her back I led her to the bed where she sat down "I can't help but think of her ya know, what actually happened to her. I thought Ray killed her but now, I'm not even sure she is dead at all." She explained referring to her mother, shaking her head she buried them briefly into her hands.

"It just doesn't make any sense, if she is dead it's not because of Ray, it's because her inner Dragon took over completely and the last shred of her did what she thought was right and killed herself, either way I need to figure it out because the same thing may be happening to me." She confessed, sinking down on the mattress next to her.

"What do you mean the same thing is happening to you?" I asked after a few moments of unwanted silence "I mean I'm losing control, my mark has spread all the way to my chest and I don't know why other than my inner Dragon is trying to take over." She whispered the last part, her soft shaky tone full of regret "I don't want him to get hurt Luca."

"Isolating yourself from him will do nothing Alex, he needs you, he is your mate and you are his and no matter what you can't deprive him of that. The guy is miserable without you, maybe instead of staying away from him you should be with him, he is after all the only thing that can calm you down and you know that." Her head shook slowly

"I have to do what I thinks right, even if it means not being with him."


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's a little short but its what I managed to whip together after the original chapter 30 got deleted.

What do you guys think of Lexy in this chapter?

Any predictions for the future?

Next chapter in Justins POV?

30 comments would be great guys!

If any of you need to talk to me here are all my social media accounts:






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