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Picture of Justins symbol on the side.
Enjoy the chapter😊

I dug viciously through my drawers trying to locate it, where the hell was that damn ring?

I sighed in frustration slamming the drawer shut, causing my whole vanity to shake. I muttered a string of curse words quickly walking out into the kitchen with intentions to tear it apart until I found what I was looking for.

A angry groan left my mouth as I searched the last drawer, nothing.

I know the ring is somewhere in here, I call feel the energy and pull it has to me, but the question is where the hell did my mom hide it?

When our apartment was raided by hunters my mother made sure to hide our most prized possessions, the blue whispered ring the most sacred of them all.

"God damnit!" I yelled placing my hands on the counter, my labored breathing heaved heavily in my attempts to control myself

"Calm down Lexy, dont let this happened." I muttered repeatedly under my breath

"Lee Lee?" Justin question cautiously from the living room

"Just watch your movie Justin!" I growled flipping on the tap

He whimpered curling up into a small ball on the couch, his eyes glistened with held back tears making me sigh heavily "Im sorry Ju Ju im just- angry thats all."

He looked at me nodded slowly, still uneasy from my outburst "Im gonna run down the lobby ill be right back, dont open the door for anyone Justin, ok?" He nodded understandingly, climbing to his feet before running over pulling me into a hug

I nearly melted in his tight warm grip, I swear he knows exactly how to calm me down and I love that about him. He slowly let his arms fall to his side, turning on the balls of his heels he scampered back over to the couch continuing to watch some movie he picked out.

I threw on a pair of sunglasses and drenched myself in perfume, after I washed all the dirt and wilderness smell in my shower this morning my Dragon Valley scent intensified, being able to be sniffed out by anyone I was at risk for being hunted.

I took one more glance at Justin before closing the door behind me. I climbed down the stairs until I reached the lobby which thankfully was fairly empty. I strolled quickly up to the desk meeting Wayne, he smiled before ushering me into his office.

"Lexy." He sighed pulling me into a bone crushing hug "How have you been sweetheart?"

"Ive been better Wayne," I trailed off getting chocked up, it had been a while since I had been in contact with any sort of family member and it was hitting me hard "I miss them." I cried quietly into his chest

"I know sweetheart, I know." He mumbled resting his chin on my head "They would be proud of you, roping in a Dion." He teased lightening the mood

I chuckled wiping my tears and running nose with the end of my fray sweater "Yea, not to many good mates anymore ya know?"

"Boy do I," He mumbled sinking into his office chair "He is one of the first Dions ive seen in months, rumor has it the capital is sending guards out to eliminate them, some bullshit about how their kindness is a threat to the nation." He scoffed shaking his head

I sat in the seat fumbling with my hands in my lap "That scares me, we are so close to the capital and I cant afford to lose Justin."

"Ah so the boy has a name does he?" He chuckled leaning back in his chair "Ive seen no guards around the are so far but you never know, you have that cellar to hid in if anything happens anyway." I nodded

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