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Lexys POV

I inwardly cursed myself for losing control, the way he whimpered and flinched under my touch made me disgusted with myself. I've only lost control like that a few times in my lifetime, thankfully I was able to bring myself back before I laid a finger on him.

"W-What a-are y-you d-doing?" He asked as I quietly closed the bathroom door, I wanted him to trust me, I wanted to show him that I am his, and only his

Turning on the tap to the faucet water began to flow out, taking a deep breath I straightened up and turned to him. He gazed at me with a look of confusion, his cute button nose scrunched up adorably. 

Wordlessly I slipped off my shirt and bottoms, leaving me in just my bra and panties, his gaze burned a hole in my body as he watched me intently "Can I?" I asked playing with the hem of his tank top, he nodded rapidly swallowing the lump in his throat

Slowly I pulled off his shirt, studying his reaction intently making sure he wouldn't freak out, and he didn't, instead he let out a sigh of content as his shirt fell to the  floor in a heap.

"You're beautiful." I murmured leaving soft kisses down his bare rigid chest, each of his scars poked my lips, each time I kissed one he shivered letting out a stiff moan "Lee Lee." He breathed out as my hands reached the drawstring of his sweatpants "Do you trust me?" I asked looking up into his eyes

The next thing he did surprised me, he swiftly captured my lips with his, leaning into the kiss he deepened it before pulling away "D-Does t-that answer y-your q-question?" He whispered with a cheeky smile

We both slipped in the hot water, as it eloped our bodies we both let out a moan of content, Justin's back sank back against my torso making him tense "Its ok." I whispered pressing a small kiss to his neck

He shifted so half of his weight was against me, my hands wrapped around his bare torso slowly rubbing his pecks and shoulders "I love you." He shivered at my proximity, my hands ran down and entangled with his guiding them to slowly rubbed his legs which were bent at the knee 

"K-Kiss m-me." He rasped turning his head so he looked me in the eye, I obeyed leaning down to meet his lips, his hands slipped from mine before cupping both my cheeks, the wetness leaving small droplets to drip down my face onto his chest 

He pulled away, his soft breath fanned across my face as he struggled to catch his breath "I Love you, forever." He whispered, his tone low and soft almost melting me on the spot 

"I'm yours Justin, no matter what happens I will always belong to you."

But how long will forever really last?

3rd person POV

The two were utterly oblivious to the four men approaching the door, armed and ready to carry out there mission, something that has been in the works ever since they had both stepped foot in the city.

Nothing could prepare them for what they were about to go through,

The pain,

The suffering,

The humiliation,

The truth.

And in the end they would get what they both deserved according to the man responsible for it all, they will watch one another die a slow and painful death.

Her ears perked up immidently at the sound of breaking glass, the vase, she thought her body lurched from under his pulling on her discarded clothing. She motioned for him to stay there, drawing her knife from its holder she boldly made a move for the door.

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