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"Cmon little one, we have to get going." I glanced over my shoulder stomping out the remains of the fire

"Whe-re are we go-ing." He asked watching as I collected all the materials shoving them into my backpack

"We are going into town, ill find us a solid place to stay." I sighed throwing on the backpack which instantly made my shoulders ache from the weight

"L-Let me." He smiled slipping it from my shoulders bring them relief, he slipped it on like it was nothing which didnt surprise me because damn the kid was well built "Lee Lee y-you lo-ok ti-red." He stammered not wanting to offend me but I just smiled

"I was up early little one, ill be ok." I smiled reassuringly "Ready?" I asked and he nodded

We set off to the north, my hand constantly lied on my hunting knife just in case anything happened and I needed to use it while Justin stayed at my side lost in his own world as he glanced around the lively forest.

The sound of a hawk startled him, making him whimper quietly taking a few confused steps forwards glancing frantically around the sky "Its just a hawk, he won hurt you." I smiled

As we continued over I noticed his uneasiness, constantly searching for any threat, trembling more than ive seen him this whole time. I grabbed his hand with mine entangling out fingers, his pace slowed down as a face of shock washed over his otherwise frightened face as he looked at me.

I looked at him sending a friendly wink, he blushed deeply making me smile at his innocence, every guy I have ever met has either wanted to kill me or get in my pants, having Justin was a breath of fresh air so to say.

"Lee Lee?" I hummed for him to continue "D-Do yo-u li-ke m-me?" He stuttered adorably

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to him "Yes Ju Ju, I like you." His eyes lit up like a christmas tree as he squealed with excitement

"I th-ought y-you wo-uld s-say no." He muttered letting his eyes fall to the leave covered forest floor

"Why would I not like you little one?" I asked lifting his chin with my index finger slowly melting into his carmel orbs

"P-People do-nt l-like m-me." He whispered avoiding my gaze "E-Especially gi-rls."

"Well I like you Ju Ju, your a cutie." I cooed pressing a small kiss to his cheek, he froze not sure of what to do as my lips lingered there for a few seconds

"W-Will yo-u d-do tha-t a-agin?" He mumbled shyly making me chuckle, I pressed another kiss only this time to the corner of his lips, making his body twitch at the sudden contact

I pulled back and rustled his soft hair, reconnecting our hands I led us further up the steep hill letting the skyline of the city come into view. Before I even thought about setting foot into the city I pulled on one of the niches jackets, pulling up the hood to sheild the tree peeking up the pack of neck.

As we entered the busy city Justin became uneasy, so many people around him made him nervous and frantic for relief. I walked up to the familiar building, the lobby was the same it has always been.

I walked up to the front desk being met with a male receptionist "Hey I need a key for apartment 451, my parents are out of town and failed to leave me a key." I smiled confidently

He shot me a unsure look "I need to see some ID miss."

I cursed inwardly, a idea popping into my head "Can I talk to Wayne please?" He nodded slipping from his seat

I saw Wayne walk out of the back room and couldnt help but smile, he hadnt changed a bit "May I help you?" He asked oblivious as to who I was

I pulled down my hood looking him in the eyes, shock washed over his face "Lexy?" He gasped in disbelief "I thought you were dead I mean your parents-"

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