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Picture of Lexy's tree mark on her back on the side


3rd Person POV

She couldn't help but blush as his soft hand caressed her thigh, sending a certain spark all throughout her body. He was oblivious to her quick, staccato breaths, his eyes glued to the tv as they both watched a Disney movie.

She glanced up at his flawless face, smiling at his look of concentration and intensity from watching the movie, a look you would find on a small child. His blonde hair stuck out every which way as it did most days unless he smoothed it down, but she found the messy look more attractive loving how it gives off the 'just woke up' vibe.

"Your staring." He muttered not taking his eyes off the tv, his lips curled up into a small mocking smirk making he flush a deep shade of pink

She managed to tear her gaze away from him for a moment, only to return her to him once again "I love your hair." She mumbled just as a excuse to run her fingers through it

"Y-Youve told me t-that a-alot Lee Lee." He giggled moving his hands down to her hips, slowly rubbing circles once he settled 

"I cant help it, your so sexy." He found himself involuntary blushing at her words, he had only heard them in the darkest days of his life and even then it was only said with pure lust and want

The two were oblivious to the man watching their every move, everything they did and said was saw and heard by him, his plan falling into place. He was ready to get his hands on the only thing he wanted, her.

As she stared off into space a memory began to flash through her head, one she had put off in the deep depths and never wanted to resurface.

She woke in the middle of the night at the sharp sound of a crash, her ears perked up instinctively as her small body swung its lower end out over the edge of the bed, her bare feet quietly came on contact with the carpet floor as she stood slowly. Her absent mind floated off into all of the possibilities of what could be happening outside of her door, should I open the door? She questioned hesitantly reaching her arm out towards the brass knob.

Her body nearly fell to the floor when the door swung open, catching her by surprise she did the only thing she knew, stood her ground aggressively. Her eyes traveled to the two rather large men who's faces were shielded from her view with ski masks, from what she could tell they were indeed not friendly in any way.

I silent shriek left her mouth when one of the men made a swift lung towards her, all intentions were to subdue her in anyway possible, but even being a fifteen year old girl she was not going down without a hard battle.

She backed towards her closet, her eyes searched her surroundings frantically in desperate attempts to find some way out, but being cornered by two men made that task mission impossible. She took a stance preparing herself to do the only thing she knew to do in a situation like this, fight.

A swift punch knocked back on of the men, his eyes glistening with shock and anger as he stared at her with complete rage. The second man uncapped the syringe in his pocket silently, she was oblivious to his actions making it so much easier from him to pin her firmly against the wall, the needle sunk deep into her neck making her cry out in pain and exasperation.

"Good night sweetheart." They whispered mockingly as her vision blurred with black, her eyes catching a glimpse of the house as she was carried one one of their shoulders, the last thing she was he mom and dad laying side by side unconscious

She shook her head violet, wiggling out of his tight grasp to her feet, tears already freely flowed down her cheeks concerning him from his position on the couch. Hesitantly he climbed to his feet, the feeling of sadness emitted off of her making him more on edge than before, he felt himself sadden as he always did when she felt like this.

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