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3rd person POV

His words rung in her head, echoed almost painfully. She couldnt speak, move, breath, her body was frozen.

He stared at her with a stance of regret, cursing himself for being so stupid to even ask, he knew he was dirty and skin such as delicate as hers would be poisoned by his own.

He retracted back into the corner of the room, tears brimmed his eyes at the thought of losing her, he couldnt, he needed her "Ju Ju i-s s-sorry." He whispered resentfully peering solely at her through his clouded vision

"N-No Justin- damn it come here." She rushed over to him flushed with hurt and confusion "I didnt say no- I just dont think sex is right for us right now." She slowly tussled his hair making him shudder with content

She reached out her small shaky hand which he took cautiously, studying her body language as she held him out of the dark cold corner. She entangled her hands with his before slowly guiding them to her body.

"Touch me." She whispered breathlessly against the nape of his neck sending chills throughout his entire body

He didnt exactly know what to do, his hands fell to the small of her back as he gazed into her piercing green orbs, which were filled with love and compassion.

In the heat of the moment he confidently connected their lips, treasuring the spark it brought deep down in the puts of his stomach, savoring the sweetness of her saliva as it danced with his.

Her hands buried under his shirt where they gently rubbed against his toned abdomen, making his heart lurch out of his chest with content and excitement.

She laid him down on the couch without a word being said, his shirt whisked away and thrown into the dark depths of the room leaving the cold air to nip at his bare skin.

Her eyes lingered on his scar filled chest, they were scattered all about, saddening her.

He reached for the blanket to cover it shamefully, but her soft hand engulfed his, shaking her head slowly.

She bent and placed soft, staccato kisses on each of the scars, her soft lips brought such a indescribable feeling to him, a sense of love which he had never had before.

"Your. Perfect. And. Mine. Forever." She rasped in between kisses, little did she know she was slowly healing each of those sinful scars

"Y-You m-mean t-that?" He whispered wholeheartingly making her smile softly

"I mean every last word." Her lips met his slowly and lovingly, his hands gripped her hips pushing her further into the kiss

He now understood why she didnt want to have sex, that was something mates treasure so deeply that it should only be done at the right time, when their both ready.

She grasped his hands weaving their fingers, placing them high above his head as she kissed him as passionately as ever.

She collapsed against his chest, his rapid heartbeat made her smile as she glanced up at him.

He had not yet opened his eyes, but when he did she noticed the tears in them, not sad tears but happy ones.

"Thank you Lee Lee."

Those four words sent her heart flying against her chest, they were perfect, absent of stutter, calm, loving, confident, everything she wanted to get out of this boy since the day she laid eyes on him.

"I didnt think I could ever love someone Justin, I didnt think I could feel this type of way because of a guy but man- you changed me." She beamed happily up at him

He pecked her lips once more, his teeth gently clamped down on her bottom lip making her moan quietly "What are you doing to me?" She groaned

"D-Do I m-make you happy?" He whispered softly embedding his long slender fingers into her auburn locks

She nodded flushing with a bright shade of pink "More than you will ever realize." His ears perked up at the sincereness in her words, making him grin widely

"You make me happy to."

He yawned tiredly after his words, she turned and glanced at him "Do you want to go back to bed?" She giggled knowing it was midday, but then again they had both failed to get a solid nights sleep

He nodded shyly, stretching his arms. She climbed from on top of him glancing behind her to make sure he followed as they both stumbled into her bedroom.

He stopped at the door framed to admire the beautiful woman standing in front of her, her lips, her eyes, her hair, her figure, everything to him was perfect.

"Gosh your precious." She giggled snapping him from his trance "Care to tell me what you were thinking about?" She raised a brow as he sauntered off into bed

"You." He muttered firmly, placing his hands on her hips as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, taking in her sweet intoxicating scent

Suddenly he got a urge, one he had gotten before but had been to shy to ask. He slowly turned her body so she faced him, looking her dead in the eye.

"W-Will y-you m-mark m-me?" He asked nervously

She eased his tenseness by kissing his nose "Turn your head." She whispered, he did so instantaneously

She drew in a deep shaky breath, her canines grew out into a sharp point as her lips parted. Energy surged threw her veins as her breath hit his long neck, without another moment to be passed she sunk them into the tender skin.

He cried out quietly which flickered to a moan at the end, her eyes glowed a deep purple as they fluttered open looking at him once again.

"I-Im y-your t-true m-mate?" He gasped quietly mesmerized by the deep color

"I knew you were," She paused flickering her eyes up to his "And now your mine forever."

Those words cast them both off into a deep pleasant slumber, one they had not had in a number of days.

Deeply she knew he was her true mate, its a 1 in 10000 chance of finding them on your first try, but thus love does have a particular way of prevailing.

If he was not her eyes wouldve stayed the same after marking them, but turning the color they did that signified a whole other meaning.

Deep purple is one craved by every mate wishing for true, undying, passionate love, it means that no matter what, their bond would forever be unbreakable, and in the horrid event of death, both of the lovers would draw their last breath at the same time, truly meaning 'together forever'.

But how long would forever last if they knew the danger about to come?


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