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I groaned waking up, damn did my body hurt, it felt as if I was hit by a truck and then backed over by it. Fluttering open my tired eyes I noticed the sun had not yet peeked over the horizon, the only light source was the fires still hot embers.

On instinct I went to stand to my feet, but a unknown heaviness anchored me against the forest floor. Looking down I saw the flawless boy fast asleep in my lap, his perfectly plump lips formed a straight line making me smile at his sheer innocence.

Doing my best not to wake him up I slipped from underhim, placing one of the niches jackets under his head in replacement of my body.

I smiled in accomplishment glancing back at the peacefully sleeping boy, time to find some more wood and food.

Knowing Justin I gathered everything I could, berries, edible plants and small game every now and then. Just as I skinned a small squirrel I heard a ear shattering wail.

Jumping to my feet I threw on my weighted backpack and let my feet quickly carry me to the source of the scream.

"Justin!" I yelled out as I neared the camp, suddenly the scream seized and only the sound of rustling leaves could be heard

"Lee Lee?" I heard him question softly through his quiet sobs

"Hey, im right here." I whispered pulling his broken figure into my awaiting arms, his cry grew quieter and quieter until they were no more

"I t-thought yo-u l-left m-me." He hiccuped clenching the material of my shirt in his tightly balled fist over an over again

"No little one I just went out to get more food so we could eat." My hand rubbed gently up and down his back in attempts to sooth him

He sniffled wiping his damp face free of tears "Im not gonna leave you little one." I smiled placing a small kiss to his temple

He giggled blushing a deep shade of pink, I sighed in relief setting down my heavy backpack. After a while I managed to get the fire started again, roasting 3 squirrels in the flames made Justin impatient for food so I gave him mint leaves to snack on.

Pulling the now perfectly cooked meat from the fire I handed one to Justin after letting it cool down, he greedily at it moaning in content.

I studied him intently, watching his boy language and basically just getting to know him by learning his habits.

His eyes flickered constantly, the only thing they would lie on for longer than a moment was me, and that was a small glance after he realized my eyes were already on him.

He had a slight tremble to his whole body, his trauma obviously more sever then I thought it to bed making me feel horrid for him.

"Lee Lee?" He stammered snapping me from my deep trance

"Yea Ju Ju?" I asked quietly

"W-Why ar-e y-you so ni-ce t-to m-e?" He asked eyeing me for a moment

"Why wouldnt I be nice to you little one? You have done nothing wrong to me." I smiled sweetly throwing another pile of sticks in the dwindling fire

"T-They sai-d I w-was a ba-d b-boy, th-ats w-why th-ey h-hurt m-e." He whispered the last part quietly in partial hopes I wouldnt hear, but I did, and it echoed loud in my head

"Who hurt you Ju Ju?" I asked scooting closer to him wanting nothing more than to cradle him in my arms

"T-The m-men." He muttered monotonously sending shovers throughout my on edge body

I grabbed his free hand in mine, rubbing the pad of my thumb against it slowly "You can tell me Ju Ju." I whispered calmly

He whimpered softly leaning against my shoulder, burying his face into the crook of my neck "They t-took me and mom-my- and d-addy and-" His loud sobs cut off any words from leaving his mouth, I shushed him quietly rocking us both back and forth "Mo-mmy left- d-daddy sai-d she w-was goin-g on va-cation." My heart shattered at the reality of what actually happened, he was to oblivious to even realize

"Af-ter that d-daddy le-ft me- he di-dnt ev-en say b-ye." He cried dampening my neck, not that I cared "The-n t-they hu-rt me. Yo-ur a ba-d b-boy Ju-stin- ju-st l-like yo-ur d-daddy." He muttered harshly

"Your not a bad boy Justin." I whispered pecking the top of his head, letting my own selfish tears outline my cheek "Your a good boy little one."

He shook his head violently "N-No! I-Im a ba-d b-boy!" He yelled angrily, trying to escape my arms but I didnt let him, I knew he needed this, he needed someone to listen to him

"Shhhhh little one its ok, you have me now." He stiffened in my grip lifting his head to look at me

"Y-Your no-t goi-ng to le-ave right Lee Lee?" He questioned looking at me pleadingly

"No little one, Lee Lee isnt going to leave." I grinned taking his hand in mine

He smiled burying his head back into my neck, no sooner did I feel his teeth dig into my skin. Instead of pulling away I moaned quietly, it sent a pleasurable sensation throughout my entire body and thats when I realized why he did it.

When a Dion finds their mate, they often claim them as theirs, sometimes through sex, sometimes through licking and in rare cases they bite the person.

Biting their mate makes their bond unbreakable, often impossible to be without their significant other without a drastic mood change which could only be fixed by that person.

Mates are the most important think to a Dion, they will do whatever it takes to protect them and are the most faithful of all the breeds. When finding a mate people pray that it is a Dion, they crave the love and affection that comes with it, just as I did.

He mumbled something against his fresh bite mark leaving soft open mouth kisses around it "N-Now Lee Lee is Ju Ju's f-forever."


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