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3rd Person POV

She opened her mouth to reply but all that came out was a labored breath, she didnt know what to say, did she love him?

He stared into her eyes frowning in disappointment, cursing himself for saying such a thing to her, he shouldve known she didnt love him. To him it seemed like she was just using him, that soon she would hurt him just like everyone else did.

He ripped from her grasped shaking his head violently "S-Stupid J-Justin." He muttered harshly to himself over and over again as he backed up against the counter

She wanted to comfort him, but his words left her frozen in place, her lips still parted as she watched him in horror.

His nails dug deep into his palms giving him what he deserved, pain. The blood dripped from his hands in small droplets landing on the floor below him.

"O-oh God Justin no, no dont- dont cry baby I- im so sorry I just- come here." She stammered breaking from her state of shock

He pushed her arms away, declining any contact with her. Being the stubborn girl she was she didnt stop, she coiled her arms tightly around his shoulders pulling him into her lap.

"Im sorry Ju Ju." She whispered getting chocked up as that all to familiar lump formed in the back of her throat "Please forgive me, dont leave." She cried softly

He perked his ears up not expecting her voice to be so fragile, so unstable.

Little did he know behind her strong figure lies a bottle filled with emotion, and it officially shattered.

Being a Dion he couldnt stand hearing the cries of his mate, it made him outraged with hatred and regret all targeted towards himself, he shouldve never said anything, why did he have to be so stupid?

He slipped from her grasp slowly climbing to his feet, his sleeve whisked away his fallen tears, he had to be strong for her, he recognized she needed it more than ever.

He picked her broken figure up in his broad arms, holding her close to his chest wanting to savor this feeling even if he was upset.

He entered the room and sank both their bodies down on the bed, her small fists clenched his oversized t-shirt desperately as she tried to pull herself together.

Her world had slowly been crumbling right out from under her own two feet, coming back here was one of the hardest thing she had ever done in her life and making things worse, she was afraid of hurting him.

"Y-You cant l-love m-me." She hiccuped against his now dampened chest "I-Im no-t go-od f-for y-you." He violently shook his head in protest, she was exactly what he needed, what he craved

"Lee Lee m-makes Ju Ju h-happy." He declared stroking her head softly like she was a delicate porcelain doll "Lee Lee i-is n-nice a-and p-pretty."

She peered up at him with blurry vision, a involuntarily blush flushed her cheeks making her drop her head in embarrassment E-Even i-if Lee Lee d-doesnt l-love Ju Ju, Ju Ju w-will l-love Lee Lee." He whispered partially convincing himself of his words

She took them in and man did they dig deep into her heart, she knew what she felt but denied to say it, why you may ask?

She was afraid of the damage she would inflict on him, afraid of stripping the boy if his innocence and replace it with something she knew he would never want.

She was a Dragon Valley, he was a Dion, they couldnt get any different.

She unconsciously found herself scooting out of his grasp, she needed to relax, to clear her mind. He whimpered from the absence of her skin against his and watched intently as she walked over to the bathroom, he whole body trembled under stress, pressure and pure sadness.

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