Chapter One: Asher

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I dread early mornings with all of my heart.

Pins pierced my legs with every step, and my arms sagged as I gripped the wooden basket with my calloused hands. I felt old blisters burst open, making me wince.

I forced myself to climb the hill because I knew the town wasn't far ahead. With a tired sigh, I straightened my back and ventured into the village.

Ever since my stepmother died, my dad hasn't been the same. He was the one who sent me to town every morning to get him and my step-siblings their breakfast.

I never met my biological mom, but that didn't matter because I had my stepmom.

Well, at least I used to.

I walked into town and was immediately greeted by the local baker. He was young, about the same age as me, eighteen perhaps. He glanced at me with a welcoming smile and gestured for me to come in.

"Adrien! Good morning!" He exclaimed, sunshine taking over his features. His wispy brown hair fluttered in the chilling morning wind, but no amount of darkness could ever take away his bright smile.

"Good morning, Paul. Lovely morning isn't it?" I smiled, entering the bakery. The smell of delectable pastries filled the air, and the sudden warmth felt like a thick cotton blanket wrapped around me.

"As lovely as any winter morning can get," Paul chuckled. He led me to the fireplace and patted a cushioned chair. "Come. I'm sure you must be freezing after your journey here."

"I'm fine, really. I'll get used to the cold soon enough," I responded, taking my hood off. "Besides, my father won't exactly be happy."

Paul's smile faltered, "That old man? You still live with him?"

"Unfortunately," I answered. "I am not qualified to own land yet. I'm afraid."

I handed Paul some money and pointed to a fresh loaf of bread. Paul turned to take the bread and put it into a small brown bag. He gave it to me, and I put it into the wooden basket.

"That doesn't seem fair. You have the money, and you're of age, are you not?" Paul questioned as he handed me my change.

"I am. Father told them I was their servant and I was in debt to them," I frowned. "And you know how those businessmen are. Gossiping to everyone about their latest customers."

"Unbelievable," Paul sighed, matching my frown. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Maybe this is how my life was always meant to be," I said. I put on my hood and flashed Paul a quick smile. Paul and I made our way to the front door.

"Take care," Paul said. "Say hello to Beelzebub for me. I doubt he'd be happy if I visited. It's like he only likes you."

"Of course," I chuckled. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I closed the door of the bakery before heading into the marketplace. I didn't know anyone else other than Paul and his family. I saw these villagers every day, yet I knew no one's name. I didn't let my lack of friends bother me. I never have time for them anyway.

After I bought the food for today, I followed the trail back to my father's manor. My entire body shivered as I opened the gates to the mansion. I made sure I got inside quickly.

When I entered the house, my first reaction was to slide down the wall and cry.

But of course, my family would be waking up any moment, so I had no time to waste.

Once I made it to the large kitchen, I turned on the stove and began to cook breakfast though I would only get the leftover scraps.


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