Chapter Six: The Announcement

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"Hurry up, brat! You better be down here in one minute or you're walking there yourself!"

I ran to the door, heart racing and my hair scattered. My clothes were covered in ashes and had ripped hems. I had these rags for nearly a decade and a half, and they were adjusted many times because they were one of the only pieces of clothing I had.

I glanced at my family's outfits.

Abigail's gown was a bright sky blue with white delicate lace. She looked at me up and down with a scowl, fanning her face with her white fan. Daniel wore a velvet suit with gold detailing. Unlike my step-sister, Daniel didn't even spare me a glance. Father also wore a velvet suit, but instead it was a dark green and didn't have any details. His hair was slicked back and his beard was combed.

I followed them outside to the carriage and sat at the back. There wasn't room for me inside, but at least it was better than walking.

I clutched my basket as the horses started trotting. I could hear my family's shrieks of laughter from outside the carriage. I leaned backwards, pressing my ears on the wood.

"Katherine heard a few rumors today," Abigail giggled. "Certain rumors that are associated with royalty."

"Really?" Father questioned.

"Oh yes," Daniel chuckled.

"Apparently, the prince is searching for a partner," Abigail explained, "and he swings both ways."

"How interesting," Father commented.

"I wonder what it would be like to be king," Daniel sighed.

"Imagine the money!" Abigail exclaimed. "A whole castle full of servants just for me."

"For me, you mean," Daniel scowled. "You can rot in the servants quarters."

"Well, you can go-"

"Children, behave. We are here," Father sighed. "Be hasty, the announcements are starting."

I raised my eyebrows and leaned to the right to see the town center. We were here already?

The carriage stopped, so I hopped down. My family didn't wait for me and were already following the crowd. I ran to them and joined the crowd, quickly glancing around for Christopher.

The horns blew a bellowing sound, making the drowning crowd silent. A man wearing a black waistcoat held out a scroll and cleared his throat. I leaned in closer so I could hear.

"Hear ye, hear ye, the crown prince has written a personal message for every person, regardless of ranking," The man began, making many people whisper. "To my dear loyal subjects, I am in need of a partner for my coronation soon. In pursuit of this, I have decided that a ball will be held for every unmarried person of age on friday, ten p.m."

Everyone shouted out in joy. Abigail and Daniel beamed while Father was amused. My lips turned upwards at the news. This could be a chance to visit Christopher!

Once the announcements were over, my family ran over to me.

"Asher, hurry and retrieve one ballgown and two suits as quickly as possible," Father smiled. "We do not want to be on a waitlist."

I grinned, "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Do what for you?" Father asked, his smile dropping.

"Letting me go to the ball, and giving me the money for a new suit," I answered.

Father looked at my step-siblings and then back at me before laughing. Abigail and Daniel laughed too. I tilted my head with a frown.

"Letting you go to the ball? Nonsense!" Father chuckled. "The suit is for me. Afterall, who would want to marry a servant boy?"

"But they said that every unmarried person of age were to attend," I countered.

"Even if you did go, the prince would immediately kick you out," Abigail giggled.

"What would you wear? Those rags?" Daniel asked with a smirk. "Might as well call the king a dunce."

"Come along, children," Father said. He turned to me for the last time. "Get the suits and ball gown. For questioning my word, you can walk home."

I watched them get into the carriage and leave, feeling a cold tear run down my cheek.


Paul took pity on me and let me borrow his wagon and horse.

I commissioned a seamstress for the clothing and bought a few hairstyling and makeup tools. Unfortunately, I didn't have any leftover money to commission another suit. Instead, I bought fabric so I could make my own. There was very little, so I couldn't do much, but it was enough.

I let Paul's horse rest in the stables, and I hid the wagon in the garden since my family never stepped foot into it. I took the fabric and I climbed upstairs to the attic, where my bedroom was.

I opened a chest that belonged to my step-mother and took out the contents. Many sewing tools such as thread, needles, and patterns were inside. I smiled at the memory of my step-mother humming a lullaby while she hand-sewed a dress.

Taking a deep breath, I first looked among the patterns and took one for the jacket. I measured myself, just in case I got my sizing wrong, and I began to cut out the panels.

After a few hours, I had finished half of it.

Beelzebub head-bumped my leg, making me look down at him. In his mouth was a pattern for the pants and shirt. He dropped it on my foot and I smiled. I pet him for helping me, and he runs off, looking around to find anything that will help.

I finish the jacket after another few hours. My eyes were droopy when I started on the pants. I let my head rest on the small wooden table in the attic.

"It'll be fine if I take a little rest," I yawned.

I pushed my materials and project out of the way, using my arms as a pillow. Shutting my eyes, I drifted off to sleep.

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