Chapter Five: Mr. Adams

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"Excuse me?"

"I said the ball should be held for everyone. It should be a celebration for our kingdom. Afterall, I'm about to be both married and the king in two weeks," I smirked.

After I said my goodbyes to Adrien, I had to leave quickly or else Mr. Adams would have figured out I had snuck out. On my way back I figured out a plan. Maybe I could be with Adrian. I just had to convince my father to invite everyone, no matter of status.

Even if it meant I had to lie a little.

"That's a wonderful and thoughtful idea," Duchess Elizabeth announced. She sat with her hands in her lap, a smile faint on her pink lips. "It's smart to earn the people's trust straight away. With Prince Christopher's coronation less than a month away, we need them now more than ever."

"Just what I was thinking," Dutch James commented with a nod. He tossed his locs out of his face. They sat perfectly along his back, no piece out of place.

I smiled before turning to my father. His brows were furrowed and his hand was on his chin, thinking about what I said. He brought his eyes towards the table of nobles, most of which were nodding.

"You are right. Mr. Adams, announce to every town about the upcoming ball, and let them know that everyone is invited," my father said.

I beamed. That would mean I might see Adrien.

"Of course, your majesty," Mr. Adams said. "Also, I may need to add that Prince Christopher's fencing classes start soon."

"Alright. Christopher, you are dismissed," my father said. "Remember, everyone may be invited, but you are to marry a noble woman."

"Thank you, father," I mumbled.

I quickly followed Mr. Adams, letting the tall doors shut behind me. They echoed with a boom and made the candles flicker. We walked hastily through the halls. The soldiers stood still and quiet, and it made me feel like my stomach was missing. Afterall, when you're a prince the only people you talk to are nobles years older than you.

"You snuck out this morning, didn't you, Prince Christopher," Mr. Adams said once we were in the fencing room. The room had no soldiers, thankfully, but the words still made my head flick around.

"What? I have no idea what you mean," I mumbled.

"This early morning. You left the secret door open," Mr. Adams explained.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

"Do not worry. I won't tell the king," Mr. Adams said. "But I do wonder, is there someone you are seeing?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Why would you think that?"

"You have never cared for balls, my prince. Especially since this ball is for you to find your future partner," Mr. Adams clarified. "There is no reason for you to be upset unless you want to marry someone else."

I paused. Was I that obvious?

"I... I'm not with anyone, but I wish I was with a particular boy," I sighed.

"Who is this boy you are so fond of?"

"He's from the countryside. A little off from Lockwood," I said. "He has this beautiful laugh, it always makes my stomach flutter. I'm addicted to the sound. His folks aren't the best, so I want to make him happy whenever I can. And when he talks, he has this way of speaking that makes everything seem beautiful. And he's so kind, even when he has almost nothing to give."

"He sounds great," Mr. Adams smiled.

"He is," I grinned.

Mr. Adams' smile faltered, "Does he know that you are the prince?"

"No. I have not told him yet," I replied, "but I will tomorrow."

"That is nice," Mr. Adams commented. "To not have someone judge you for your status. It means he truly cares for you."

"Yeah," I smiled. "That is why I am too... too scared to admit it to him. What if his view of me changes?"

"If he truly loves you, he would not care. You are Christopher. You just happen to be a prince," Mr. Adams said.

I stared at him for a moment. He's right. If Adrien is the right person for me, he wouldn't care. He would treat me the same as he already does.

My grin grew, "You are right. Thank you, Adams."

"You are welcome, my prince," Mr. Adams replied. "Now tell me, what is his name?"

"Adrien. His name is Adrien."

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