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A Decade After The Wedding

"Dad, dad! Can you show me how to make a flower crown?"

I looked up from my book and at the small child in front of me. She was ten years old and heir to the throne. Her long brown braid rested on her shoulder while her dark eyes blinked at me, waiting for an answer. In her hand were a variety of colorful flowers, all different shapes and sizes.

"Of course," I smiled, putting down my book. "Give me half of those. You can use the other half if you'd like."

"Okay," Leora replied.

She complied and gave me half of the flowers. Watching me eagerly, she followed me as I took two flowers.

"You want to tie them like this," I said, leaning closer to my daughter.

"Like... this?" Leora asked.

"Yes, and then put this stem over... here," I responded. I guided her hands as I spoke, tying the flowers together slowly so Leora would learn.

"I did it!" she smiled, looking up at me.

I grinned, "You did! That's all you need to know to make a flower crown."


"Yes. Do the same with the other flowers until you have one left," I explained.

With a nod, Leora happily continued to tie together her flower crown. I did the same; carefully tying and taking me time, ensuring that the flowers would not break.

I turned when I heard the repeated thuds behind us. Romeo ran towards us, Christopher walking behind him. My son leaped into my arms with a laugh.

"Hey, how was school?" I asked.

Romeo's grin grew. His black hair was fluffy but messy, sticking in different directions. His gray eyes shone in the sunlight---happy, carefree, and bright. He nuzzled my face, making me laugh.

"Great! I made a new friend today!" Romeo answered.

"Oh? Do tell."

"I was playing in the woods during lunch---sword fighting just like Papa! Then, a boy from another class wanted to duel, so I gave him a stick and we went bam! Bam!" Romeo ranted, swinging his arms dramatically.

I chuckled, "How brave."

"Neither of us won, so we became friends," he continued. "His name is Kane."

"That's nice. I'm glad you made a friend today. Especially with someone who's also interested in swords."

"Yeah, he's great!" Romeo grinned.

"What are you three doing?" Christopher asked, sitting down next to me. He grabbed my waist, kissing my temple.

"Dad was showing me how to make a flower crown before Romeo interrupted us," Leora replied.

Romeo pouted, crossing his arms, "I did not! Dad asked me about school, so I told him."

"No fighting you two," I sighed, sinking into Christopher's arms. "How were your soldiers today?"

"Great. The new recruits are learning quickly, and we won over Cardia hills," my husband replied.

"That's good," I smiled, kissing Christopher on the cheek.

"Dad, I have one flower left, what do I do now?" Leora asked. She inched closer to me and held up her strand of flowers.

"Take this last flower and tie it normally," I answered. She followed my words, and looked up at me when she finished. "Then, take both of the ends and tie them tightly."

"Oh..." she commented. "Like... this?"

"Yes! That's perfect!" I exclaimed.

"Leora, Leora, what is that?" Romeo asked. He managed to wiggle his way into Christopher's and mine's snuggle session, his head resting on my arm.

"A flower crown, silly. I told you that Dad was teaching me to make one," Leora replied.

"It looks so pretty! Dada can you teach me?" Romeo smiled.

I nodded, wiping a piece of dirt off of my son's face. "I will, but after you do your homework."


"Your highnesses, it is dinner time!" Mr. Adams shouted from the entrance of the garden. "Your highness, where are you?"

Even after a decade, Christopher never told anyone but me and our kids about the secret garden.

"I feel like Mr. Adams should know where we are," I whispered to my husband.

Christopher shrugged with a low chuckle, "I think he will be fine if we stay hidden a little longer."

"He will be very worried, you know."

"Please, a few more minutes?" he asked, squeezing my waist tight as if I actually had the guts to stand up and leave.

"Yeah! A few more minutes please!" Leora pleaded. Romeo nodded eagerly with his sister.

I sighed, "A few more minutes. Then we will all apologize to Mr. Adams for disappearing."

"Yay!" Romeo exclaimed.

Leora glared at him and put a finger to her mouth. "Shh!"

I chuckled and let Christopher kiss my neck. He made his way up to my jaw and finally kissed my cheek.

"Remember when I showed you this place for the first time?" he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, and I ran away at midnight."

"You had me looking all over the kingdom for you," Christopher laughed.

I blushed, "I'm sorry. I should have explained to you why I ran."

"It's fine," he reassured. "I would do it all again if I had to."

"You would?"

Without another beat, my husband responded.


And Forever."


A/N - The end! I'm sorry this epilogue is shorter than most others, but I just don't imagine much changing except their two kids, Leora and Romeo. Christopher and Adrien fulfill their promises and stay with each other until the end. Mr. Adams and his wife are still child-free (as they like), the King is happily in retirement, and Adrien's family were banished from the kingdom forever.

I'm so grateful you guys stayed (very patiently) until the end! This short novella was a sweet story that had been in the back of my mind for so long, and I finally finished it! I'm trying not to write this so long, but if you want to read about me crying about Adrien and Christopher, I'll post an author's note after this.

Thank you everyone, for reading this story!!

- Damian

- Damian

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