Chapter Four: The King

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I nervously tapped my foot at the dinner table while I waited for my father to arrive. He was a timely man and had no mercy for anyone--even if they were one minute late. It had been ten minutes after six, and my tapping grew louder.

"Are you sure father said to meet here?" I said, my lips downturned.

My butler, Mr. Adams nodded, "Yes, your highness. He had said six and the dinner table, and nowhere else."

I gulped. That meant that my father either brought good news, or bad news. I had to hope it was the former.

"Thank you Adams," I said.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and the whispers immediately died, eyes staring at the king. My father walked to his seat at the dining table, the back tall and proud and covered in gold. Everyone, including me, stood up and bowed to him. I kept my eyes on the ground so I wouldn't have to look my father in the eye.

"Christopher," my father said, the word bouncing off of the tall walls of the dining room.

"Father," I responded.

"I have received news from Dr. Kens," my father started. "Due to the concerns for my health, I have decided that your coronation ceremony will be held in two weeks."

My eyes widened. Two weeks? That was too soon.

"You will also need to find a bride in the next week, so we will host a ball for the best options," my father said.

I frowned. A bride?

I thought about Adrien and his soft laugh. I wouldn't be able to visit him often, maybe never again. I didn't want to be wed to a woman for advantage.

"Father, if I may?" I asked. He nodded, urging me to speak. "What if I already have a partner in mind?"

"Is she royalty or from nobles?" he asked.


"No, father, but they're-"

"Then no," my father interrupted. He ignored my deep frown and continued. "The ball will be held this Friday, nine at night. You are to find a bride from royalty or at least one who's noble. Am I clear?"

I slumped in my seat. "Yes, father."

"Good," my father stated.

He didn't spare a glance at me before leaving the dining room, his food growing cold on the marble table.


I haven't snuck out in years. I never had a reason to do so.

I tied my dark cloak at the front, letting the strings rest on my chest. I tugged the hood down to hide my face. The clothes lined with gold were discarded on my bed and were exchanged for black and brown rags. I tried to hide my excitement as I threw my sack bag over my shoulders.

My heart thumped in rhythm with my light footsteps. I let my fingers graze the cold walls, counting the number of candle holders. At the seventh one, I grabbed the body of the candle holder and pulled it down like a lever. I looked left and right before I pushed the wall. I stepped to the other side and watched the wall make a 360 before stopping quietly.

A few minutes after running on my tiptoes, I found the exit. I opened the door that led to my secret garden. It was four in the morning, and the moon glistened, wide and awake. I couldn't risk admiring the flowers, so I ran through the garden until I found Bella waiting for me near a small stable.

Bella neighed and shrieked. I quickly pulled down my hood and pet her gently.

"It's only me, Bella. It's only me," I whispered.

I let her settle down before saddling her. With care, I put my bag onto Bella and let out a breath of relief when she complied. I threw my leg over her and grabbed onto Bella's mane.

We ran through the dark forest, the only sound coming from her hasty jog and the crickets hidden in bushes. The smell of trees and pine greeted my nose. It made my heart calm with each sniff. The familiarity of the pine trees along with the cold breeze made my lips turn upwards.

It was nice to be alone for once.

I understood that being the next heir to the throne made me a target, but I was tired of having someone watch over you every second of your life. Especially since my coronation was in two weeks, I had to be extra careful.

But at the same time, I just couldn't stop my eyes from wandering to Adrien.

He was a commoner, yet every party and town meeting I would find myself looking for his glass-like eyes and honey-sweet laugh.

Adrien was quickly becoming an everyday thought of mine and it was terrifying.

When I finally made it to the small town, I tied Bella to a tree and grabbed my bag. I had brought plenty of fresh food and milk for Adrien, as he told me that a cup of milk was considered a treat.

From what I heard, his folks treated him as a servant. I hated that I couldn't do anything about it without exposing my identity.

I should tell him who I am soon. He'd find out in a week anyways.

My ears perked up at the sound of walking. Behind me Adrien was walking in the deep snow, his cheeks red and fingers blue. I pulled down my hood, smiling when Adrien brightened at me.

"It's you," Adrien smiled.

"It's me," I breathed.

He walked up to me, basket in hand. My smile faltered when he began shaking. While Adrien gripped his basket with all his might, I put down my bag and searched through its contents. I found a soft quilt I never used and wrapped it around him.

"What are you..." Adrien began, cheeks growing redder.

My frown deepened. Why was he still cold? Did I only make it worse?

Before I could start throttling him with concerns, Adrien answered my questions.

"Thank you," he sighed into the blanket. "I forgot to wash my coat yesterday."

My stomach clenched at the sudden warmth.

"You're welcome," I replied.

I handed him the sack of necessities. Adrien took it and looked into it, eyes widening at the items inside.

"There's so much!" he exclaimed. He grabbed a loaf of bread and examined it. "This is all for me?"

"Of course," I answered.

Adrien gently dropped the sack on the ground before tossing his arms around me. My eyes widened, body stiffening at the feeling of his hot breath against my neck. I was quick to respond, wrapping my arms around him in response. Adrien sighed as he nuzzled into my neck.

I was grateful I could excuse my obvious blush on the blistering cold.

"Thank you," Adrien said again. "This means so much to me. You have no idea."

I tightened my grip. I couldn't let this go. Not when someone finally likes me for who I am and not my status.

Not when I can finally be together and happy with someone else.

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