Chapter Three: Christopher

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Never in my life have I been this happy over someone not knowing who I was.

Adrien and I had been talking the entire journey. I love talking to him. I love the warmth of his laugh. I love watching his smile broaden to topics he likes.

I've learned that he likes talking about animals. Especially cats. I find it funny because, just a while ago, I imagined him as a dog person. Now that I think about it, he isn't a dog person at all.

"I used to dance," Adrien brought up. I held onto his waist as Bella walked through the white forest. "I danced with my stepmom, but I don't anymore."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because she's... I don't have anyone to dance with now," he said, his smile faltering.

I frowned, "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. Maybe one day I'll have someone to dance with again," he replied.

With me.

My face reddened at the thought. I just met Adrien!

But imagine his smile as you're dancing across the ballroom. Imagine his laugh as you spin him around. His eyes glitter under the light of the chandelier candles while everyone else watches you two.

I smiled.

That would be nice.


After another thirty minutes, the town came into view, and I started sweating. Adrien didn't recognize me, but there was no way the townspeople wouldn't. I cleared my throat after a few minutes of silence.

"Can we stop here?" I asked.

Adrien turned his head to look at me. "Why?"

"Bella isn't good with crowded places," I lied.

"Then, of course," he said.

Adrien hopped off Bella like it was nothing. While I ended up face-first into the snow again because I accidentally touched Bella's mane. Adrien laughed beside me as I groaned into the ground. I didn't mind. His laugh sounded nice.

"Again? Here," Adrien smiled, holding out his hand.

I took his hand and stood up. He covered his mouth with his hand, his chest rising up and down rapidly.

"I know I look dumb," I sighed.

Adrien brushed a few pieces of snow from my hair and let out his gorgeous laugh. He held his stomach while I waited for him to stop.

"Don't laugh at me," I chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" Adrien gasped. "The face you made when she tossed you off- You looked like a distressed grandma."

"Thank you, Adrien," I sighed. "I feel very loved."

"I'm fine now," Adrien said, a chuckle escaping his lips. "I promise."

I smiled, "Did anyone ever tell you how nice your voice sounds?"

Adrien's face immediately reddened. He looked to the side with his hands to his heart. His brown hair gently covered his eyes.


"No one has ever said that to me before," he whispered. He turned to gaze into my eyes with a soft smile. "Thank you."

I scratched the back of my neck with a cheeky smile, "You're welcome."

"So..." Adrien started. The flush on his cheeks was still as red as a cardinal. "Are you going to come with me?"

I shook my head, "I'll wait here. Just in case Bella kicks a tree down."

Adrien giggled, "Alright. I'll see you soon."

"See you," I beamed.

Adrien left me near a tree with Bella. He waved at the townspeople as I watched in contentment. Bella snorted beside me, and I sighed. I couldn't be stuck in fantasy for long. Father would kill me if he found out I fancy a commoner. A boy, nonetheless.

Bella snorted again. I looked over at her and jumped at the person next to her.

"You're highness, I don't mean to upset you, but why are you in a... impoverished town," the soldier said, a disgusted look on his face as he stared at the citizens.

I frowned, "This town is still part of our kingdom, is it not?"

"Yes, your highness," the soldier said, clearing his throat. "The king has requested your appearance for dinner."

"Oh," my frown deepened. "I'll be there."

The soldier bowed before leaving. I turned my head back to Adrien. We'd have to part a bit earlier than expected.

And I was hoping I'd have dinner with Adrien.


"I'm sorry I had to cut it short," I frowned.

I had to use my coat as an awkward hood so I wouldn't be recognized. Many people looked at me like I was crazy, but that was better than creating a commotion. I found Adrien outside a fancy building with a frown on his face.

"How did it go?" I asked. Adrien turned to me and smiled.

"Um, not as well as I'd like it to," he responded. "They already heard about my father."

"Your father?"

He chuckled, "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you. My father---he tells people I'm his indentured servant, even though it's definitely not true."

"That's horrible," I frowned. "Did they at least ask for evidence?"

"No. I suppose all they needed was one look at me," Adrien mumbled, looking at his outfit.

His cream shirt was littered with dust and dirt. It was ripped at the sleeves and the end of his pants. A tear rolled down his eye, but he quickly wiped it away.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered.

I wrapped my arms around him and felt his breath hitch. He hugged me back, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I didn't receive good news either. I'm supposed to return to the palace soon," I mumbled.

"It looks like we're both not having the best day today," Adrien sighed, "but that's alright with me."

"Why is that?"

"I met you," Adrien chuckled. "Not many people would like to be friends with a servant."

I let go of him and smiled, "Well, it is their loss."

He looked to the ground with a grin. "We should leave now. I don't want the king to be mad at you."

"You're right. Let us go," I replied.

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