Chapter Nineteen: Happily Ever After

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Two Months Later

"God, I'm so nervous."

I fidgeted with my undershirt, twisting and turning the expensive white fabric. Mr. Adams glared at me as I continued to play with my sleeves.

"Your highness, I cannot fix your suit if you keep messing with it," He sighed.

"I cannot help it, Adams. I'm about to marry the love of my life, and every thought in my mind keeps telling me he will object!" I shouted, running my hands through my hair.

Mr. Adams' perfect posture slumped for a second when I nervously patted my locks. He fixed my hair with a comb after I messed with it.

Adrien and I have not seen each other for nearly a week. So busy with wedding preparations, the crowning ceremony, and handling Adrien's 'family,' the only time we saw each other were during the late hours of the night, minds wandering to sleep the second we hit the bed.

Talking about Adriens 'family,' they were reluctantly packing up their belongings. They had broken a law they swore to follow, and for punishment (for not only lying, but also harming the future Royal Consort) they were banished from the kingdom; including their future spouses and children.

My father's ways had fully changed when he met Adrien. The king adored him---nearly as much as I did! He admired Adrien's strength for surviving with his family, and believed his kindness was what the kingdom needed.

"He's perfect," Father had said.

Now I was getting ready in a guest bedroom near the wedding ceremony. Adrien had his own room, and his friend Paul (along with two other maids) were helping him dress.

"But he won't," Mr. Adams replied.

"What?" I asked, looking at Mr. Adams in the full length mirror.

"Adrien won't reject you. There is simply no way, your highness," he explained.

I sighed, "But there is always the possibility. Perhaps he changed his mind. I have not spoken to him much recently, you know."

"And I have. In fact, I'm sure he's as nervous as you are right now. That's how my wife and I felt before our wedding. It was like a fairytale. I saw her walk down the aisle and all nervousness washed away, and was replaced by overwhelming joy," Mr. Adams recounted, a smile blooming on his face.

"That sounds wonderful."

"It was," he grinned. "Today is a special day for you and Adrien. Enjoy it."

"I will try," I replied.

Mr. Adams finished fixing my suit and hair and complexion, and soon enough, the bell rang, signifying that the ceremony was about to start.

I sucked in a breath before walking down the aisle.


The pastor's words were blocked out as I glanced around the spacious room.

Adrien would be here any minute now.

A calming, ceremonious, and angelic song echoed in the room, spreading throughout the halls. The grand doors opened, and Adrien walked out, his arm linked with Father's. Since Adrien could not walk down the aisle with any family member, my father gladly volunteered.

And gods, my fiance was beautiful.

A white and golden flower was delicately placed in his hair, and another one was resting in the pocket of his suit. The light colored clothes contrasted with his dark hair and eyes. Said features could not be described with just the word handsome. His eyes were deep yet soft, and his hair was neatly brushed, but its fluffiness could not be tamed.

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