Chapter Seven: Distracted

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"Your highness!"

I shot up, blinking at Mr. Adams.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "There are many things on my mind at the moment."

"Is it the ball, coronation or... him?" Mr. Adams asked.

"Can I say all of them?" I winced.

Mr. Adams sat beside me and sighed. "You can talk to me about it."

"It's just... I don't want to marry a noble or royal woman. In fact, I don't want to marry a woman at all. Father makes those choices for me, and it feels like I'm not ready to be king," I ranted.

Mr. Adams sat quietly, humming while I spoke.

"Most of my 'friends' are people who want to take advantage of me, and when I finally find someone who doesn't, I can't be with them," I muttered with my head hung low. "I love my father, but he's not... what's the word?"


"Yes," I sighed. "Please don't tell him about this."

"Don't worry, your highness. I may be a simple servant, but one of the most important criteria of my job is to protect you," Mr. Adams smiled.

"Thank you, Adams," I chuckled. "Sometimes it feels like you're more of a father-figure than my own father."

Mr. Adams laughed, "In all seriousness your highness, you need to study these trades. It is smart to be ready for when you're crowned king."

I sighed and twirled my pen in my right hand. "Alright, but I'll get to visit Adrien tomorrow morning."


Bella galloped down the path while I tugged my hood down. She must have known I was visiting Adrien because she sprinted off the second I got on her.

The wind gust past me, swift and strong. Snow piled on the sides of the trail like servants making way for the king. Even with my layered cloak and long-sleeved shirt, the cold burned my skin like a spilled cup of hot tea. Snowflakes caught on my hair and face, causing me to shake my head in order to see in front of me.

Thanks to Bella, we made it to the town two times faster than usual. She settled near the same tree she was tied to last time. I hopped down, head looking side to side rapidly. When I heard a soft chuckle, I whipped around.

Behind me was Adrien, wearing the blanket I gave him with a sweet smile. His woven basket was in his right hand while his left covered his mouth.

"Hey," I smiled, brushing any snow off of me. I stood tall with my back straight.

"Hey," he replied. "You got here before me."

"I did," I said as I scratched the back of my neck. "How have you been?"

"I'm doing fine. I'm sure you have heard of the royal ball that will be hosted soon," Adrien responded.

"Yes, I have," I chuckled, my voice wavering. "Are you attending?"

"Perhaps. It will depend on my father. Plus, I'm still working on my suit," Adrien answered. "You will attend, right? Afterall, you work at the palace."

"Yes I am," I nodded, letting out a breath I was holding. "And your father? Is he not letting you go?"

Adrien shook his head.

I frowned, "But I said- I mean, the crown prince said that every single person of age is to attend."

Adrien's head hung low, a frown obvious on his face.

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