Chapter Seventeen: Escape

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After two days of being locked in, I gave up.

I flipped through the pages of my journal, sighing as I recounted the events with Christopher. My stomach rumbled after each turn.

Every time I stood up, I felt like I was about to faint. My skin was freakishly pale and my eyes were sunken in. My once fluffy hair was now tangled and dirty. The only entertainment I had was my journal and the small, dusty pieces of rotten wood that occasionally fell from the ceiling.

I had no idea where Beelzebub was, and I did not know if Christopher was longing for me as much as I was for him. Lines were scratched on the walls, indicating how much time had passed; or how much time I thought had passed. The only clue that assured me that it had been a few days was the sunlight streaming from the covered window. It danced along the floors of the attic like a spider threading a web. Except, the light changed hues. From red to orange to yellow, I could only observe the sunset and sunrise through those small streams of light.

When I was graciously granted this light, I rested near it, reading or writing in my journal. I even dug through an old dusty wooden box I discarded in the corner. I was afraid of opening it ever since my step-mother died. Half of the content in the box were journals from her, and the other half was from me.

My step-mother and I used to journal our experiences, whether they were detailed descriptions of the colorful flower beds that once surrounded our home, or the short sentences about the newly painted walls.

When she died and I was forced to move into the attic, Father let me bring one box of sentimental belongings. I chose to bring the journals, since everything else had lost meaning when my step-mother died. Everytime I glanced at the books that brought me joy, I was reminded that her soft, gentle voice would never reach my ears again. The worn paper with messily written recipes drew an ache out of my heart since I knew that no one could ever replicate her perfectly delicious cooking.

At the end of day three, I began talking to myself like I was talking to my step-mother. I recounted every second I was with Christopher, repeated the words he whispered to me, and the jokes I laughed heartily at.

I knew I sounded like a madman, but it was the only way I could distract myself from my inevitable doom creeping closer by the hour.

At the sunrise of the fourth day, the doorknob shook. Someone was trying to get in.

My eyes snapped open at the sound. I slipped off the thin blanket covering me. The cold wooden floors were as welcoming as a sharp blade. I rubbed my eyes with the heel of my hand, slowly sitting up so my head would not spin. Although, my actions prevented nothing when the familiar headache shot into my brain like a bullet.

"Who is it?" I rasped out. My voice came out as almost a whisper; weak and frail like my dying body, and a little more than my decaying mind.


I sighed. "Must have only been the wind," I said to no one in particular.


My eyes widened like saucers. I stumbled for a minute as I tried to stand up.

Usually, in storybooks and fairytales, a knight in shining armor came to save the damsel in distress. But I suppose my knight was my wonderful, glorious, intelligent cat.

"Meow!" Beelzebub cried. It sounded less like a meow and more like a moo. "Meow!"

I quickly ran to the door, ignoring the tired screams of my body to sit down. I shook the doorknob in desperation.

"Beelzebub! You're here," I said, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I'm sorry bub, but the door is locked. I can't get out."


The door jingled again, and the sound of metal clashing against metal echoed in the attic. It continued for a few minutes while I slowly put the pieces together.

"Bub, is that-" I gulped, hope overtaking the despair I had been feeling the past few days, "is that the key? Are you trying to open the door?"

"Mreowh!" Beelzebub replied, muffled by an object.

"You can do it bub!" I encouraged.

A bright grin formed on my face when I heard a satisfying click. I threw open the door and fell to my knees.

Beelzebub stood near the door with the mice on top of his back. The golden key was in his mouth, but it clattered to the ground when I came into view.

The mice hopped off of Beelzebub. The second he was free, he leaped into my arms. Tears streamed down my face when I felt the familiar soft black fur.

"Thank you, bub. Thank you," I whispered, hugging him tight.

"Meow! Meow!"

"Yes, we need to leave. Anywhere would be better than this place," I responded.

I scooped up the mice and ran down the stairs with Beelzebub in front of me. I crept through the doorways, just in case Father and my step-siblings were there.

"...No, but I have a daughter, if you are interested."

I froze. They were at the front door.

I quickly hid behind a wall, ears alert for any movement.

Someone sighed, "No thank you, sir."

"Let's go."

I gasped at the familiar voice.


My feet moved on their own, moving towards Christopher, moving towards home. My head and heart pounded after each step. Everyone's gaze switched to me, eyes wide and mouths open.

I pushed past my family and leaned on the glorious doorframe. Christopher's eyes softened and he beamed at me.

"Wait! Wait-" I panted. "I'm still here!"

Beelzebub ran to Christopher, demanding attention. And despite my head feeling like I was run over twenty carriages, I smiled at them.

Christopher's joyful expression was the last thing I saw before my vision blurring, my knees buckling and forcing me to finally rest.


A/N - Guess who's back!!! Q&A is coming very soon, along with a huge announcement! :D

A/N - Guess who's back!!! Q&A is coming very soon, along with a huge announcement! :D

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