Chapter Twelve: Midnight Garden

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"I want to show you something I have never shown anyone else before."

Christopher pushed the hedge, revealing a beautiful garden with a fountain and a swing. Unlike the rest of the garden, the plants weren't cut to perfection and were let to grow—with the exception of the stone pathway.

"My grandparents built this place for me," he commented. "I go here when I need to calm my mind."

He led me into the garden, following the path. The fountain twinkled and glimmered under the moonlight. My breath hitched as I watched Christopher dip his hand in the water.

"They told me to show this to someone I care about dearly," Christopher said, eyes shifting to me.


"Yes, you," he chuckled.

We strolled to the swing next. I glanced at Christopher while I played with my sleeves. He bowed and motioned me to go on.

"Should I?" I asked.

"Go ahead," he answered.

I sat on the wooden seat and grabbed the ropes. Christopher went behind me and pushed me forwards.

I laughed as I swung higher with each push. My shoe flew off, and I gasped as it hit the ground. It was laced with magic, and didn't even chip when it hit the stone.

Christopher stopped pushing me, and picked up the glass shoe.

"Sorry," he apologized. He went on his knees while holding the shoe, eyes gazing into mine.

"It's alright," I responded as he offered to put my shoe back on.

"Let me," he said.

He carefully put the glass shoe back on before looking up at me. His eyes shimmered in the dark, light and loving. I sucked in a breath as we stared at each other in admiration.

He stood up and took my hand, helping me out of the swing. I gratefully took his help and smiled.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"You're welcome," Christopher replied. His eyes flickered to the palace, but they soon returned to me.

"Won't they miss you? It is your ball after all," I commented.

"They'll do fine without me," he sighed. "I guess... I'm scared to see my father face to face. This might be the last time I see you."

I stepped closer to him, "If that is so, we must make the most of tonight while we can."

Christopher smiled and rested his forehead on mine. I laughed softly while he hugged me tight. The previous freezing cold temperatures I felt before dwindled as his body warmth welcomed me.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

Oh no.

I shot up to Christopher's surprise.

"I'm sorry, I have to leave. I don't have time," I panted before running out of the secret garden, my coat flowing in the wind.

"Wait!" he shouted. "Why are you leaving?!"

"It's a long story! About magic and chickens!" I yelled.

"Magic and chickens?!" Christopher replied with clear confusion.

The door to the hall of paintings flung open and I flew through it. The door to the ballroom banged on the golden walls, making me wince.

Everyone in the room stared at me as I pushed through the crowd.

"Excuse me!" I yelled.

I climbed up the stairs to the mezzanine and tried to run out the door. I ran into the king and gasped.

I quickly bowed, "I'm sorry!"

"You're fine, my dear," he responded, his expression filled with confusion.

"I just want to say that your son is a kind and amazing person. And that he deserves to be with someone he truly loves. Don't forget how much he loves you!" I shouted before finally running out of the ballroom.

I ran through the many halls, the shouts of the royal guards behind me. My lungs and legs burned through each step, but I couldn't stop or else I would be caught.

The entrance of the castle was open to my luck, and I almost tripped myself when I ran down the stairs.

"Beelzebub! We need to go!" I shouted.

Beelzebub, who was sleeping in a curled up position, shot up. He hit the carriage, waking everyone up.

I tripped near the middle of the stairway, making one of the glass shoes fall off. My first reaction was to take it, but the guards were already running down the stairs. With a quick breath, I left the shoe and leaped into the carriage.

Beelzebub made the horses run this time. The carriage bumped up and down as it hit the rocks. I desperately tried to stabilize myself by holding the sides of the coach.

The royal guards chased us on horseback with torches high in the air. I gasped when the carriage transformed into a bright orange color. The golden details changed into the pumpkin's ribs. The wheels shrunk until they were green and leafy.

"Almost there!" Beelzebub shouted, along with a few curses.

I saw the stone fence surrounding my home as the carriage became even more unstable.

Suddenly, like how it transformed, the carriage bursted, throwing all of us out onto the road.

I caught Beelzebub, who was now a cat, and the mice. The chicken followed me as I walked on the edge of the road.

"Where did he go?!"

I turned my head and the guards were behind me. I smiled as I opened the gate to my home.

My clothes returned to their original state; torn and stained. To my surprise, the only thing that stayed was the glass shoe. I took it to remember the night, so I knew that what had happened was not a dream.

As I walked, the guards rushed past me, right as rain started pouring down. I laughed to myself as I finally returned home.

I opened the front door and let the animals go back to their homes. I ran upstairs to the attic, or my bedroom, and carefully tucked the glass shoe under a plank of wood.

I sighed and fell backwards onto my bed, my eyes shutting as the world grew quiet.

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