Chapter Thirteen: The Morning After

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"Asher! Asher, wake up!"

My eyes shot open and I leaped out of bed. I scrambled to open the floorboards. I held my breath, hoping that what had happened was not a dream.

I was met with a glimmering and delicate glass shoe, making me let out a relieved sigh.

It was real.

I smiled to myself as I thought about last night's events. There was no chance I would get another night like that, and I was happy I got to experience it at all.


I snapped back to reality and dashed out of my room, all the way downstairs.

I had not changed, and my clothes were torn and damp. Nonetheless, I made my way to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast, grateful that Christopher had already brought me ingredients.

I poured three cups of tea and three trays of eggs and bacon. I took all of the trays, carefully balancing one on my head. I quickly made my way to the dining room and presented the food in front of my family, who were already sitting and chatting away.

"Welcome back," I smiled, a hint of glee still present in my voice.

Abigail's eyes widened slightly, "Someone's cheerful."

"And wet. Did you walk in the rain?" Daniel asked.

I nodded, "A walk in the rain always cheers me up."

"Of course it does," Abigail grumbled.

I poured my father another cup of tea. "How was the royal ball?"

"You should have seen me with the prince," Daniel bragged. I tilted my head in confusion. "He gazed into my eyes. It's clear that we are soulmates."

"No, he was looking at me," Abigail snickered. "The only thing you are soulmates with were the blueberry pastries on the tables."

"He wasn't looking at any of you," Father sighed exasperatedly with a roll of his eyes. "He was busy making love eyes at that mysterious boy."

"Mysterious boy?" I asked.

"Yes, it took the prince one look and he was head over heels," Father explained.

"Some of the nobles are saying the boy is another prince," Abigail commented.

My eyes widened, "Another prince?"

"It's obvious he is not royalty. A prince would not have made such a spectacle," Father scoffed.

I let my feet mimic the waltz from last night as I went into the kitchen. Father's words were blocked out as I hummed the same notes the orchestra played. I sighed as I imagined Christopher's hands on my waist, tingles igniting in my stomach.

"If you ask me, he's probably a spoiled brat who gets everything he wants."

I turned to Father with my eyebrows raised, "Oh?"

"The boy practically threw himself at the prince after he arrived late," he replied, shaking his head.

"And the prince danced with him," Daniel said.

"Maybe the prince only danced with him because he did not want to hurt the boy's feelings. Though he should have," Abigail remarked.

My stomach sucked in for a moment, holding back a laugh I knew would get me beat. Father glared at me and the feeling quickly washed away. He examined me as I collected their dishes.

I put the dishes into the sink before I climbed upstairs to the attic. My eyes flickered around to make sure no one was following me.

Once I closed the door, I ran to the floorboards again. I opened it and took out the glass shoe.


Beelzebub snuggled the shoe with a chirp. He dropped a notebook and pushed it towards me. I laughed and stroked his fur.

"You're right. I should write this down just in case I forget," I said. I continued to pet him before I picked up the notebook.

I took a pen that was resting on my desk. I snuggled into my bed, Beelzebub following me. He tucked his paws into a loaf position and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, I began to write every single detail that had happened, beginning from when I met Christopher.

From what he told me, there was little to no chance I would see him again. And if I did, I would only be drowned in the crowds, watching him be with someone else. Instead of sulking, I decided to cherish what we had.

My hand moved in fast motions, refusing to let go of the pen. I hadn't noticed that my smile grew after each event.

As the hours passed, my hand cramped up and Beelzebub had moved himself on my legs. The sky was dark and littered with bright stars by the time I finished.

The only sound present was the ruffling of pages as I skimmed through my writing. I hummed in satisfaction and leaned to the right to turn off the lamp. I tried not to move my legs so I wouldn't disturb Beelzebub.

I tucked the notebook underneath the mattress. With a tired sigh, I slipped my arms underneath my blanket and hugged my single pillow tight.


A/N - I'm back! Also, I'm wondering if I should include smut? Let me know your thoughts.

A/N - I'm back! Also, I'm wondering if I should include smut? Let me know your thoughts

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