P1- locked down

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Sitting on my bed fuster, I have a bully.I know what are you thinking " oh no" "she must be crying and go to her mother for comfort." no, no that is not me.i don't have that low of esteem that i will let some asshole make me cry.

I am just annoyed,you know the feeling of doing the same thing over and over again. I am bored,now is the time to give the bully his own medica.

His name is Jaceson stone.

Now let's find some to do with , facebook and other media people are stuid,they put everything online for everyone to see.

After spending half an hour I found something.I checked his friend and family mieda as well.

There are only 2-3 pictures with his parante and that one was posted a year ago,mommy and daddy are not spending time with our little Jason, poor baby.

prepare yourself Jason, tomorrow i will show you what it is like to be a bully.

............................ next day ............

oh , i hate high school but today is friday and i have one last class for the day then home time.

....... 30 minutes later...................

That was an interesting class, I was pulled by my right arm and pushed into the janitor closet, oh jason.

I turned around and that there he is.

" you are going without saying hi" he said, as awalay i said nothing just stared into his eyes. his gray-colored eyes.

He is 6'0 and I am 4' 10, I am very short. That is why he think he can bully me, oh boy he is wrong.

" come on sweetheart say something, i know you want" he is trying to scare me.

He is slowing moving toward me and pulling me closer to him fast by pulling my shoulder.

" i know you are not mute so open your mouth" he yells, geez, mommy and daddy issue is coming out of him.

he let me go and turned toward the door, pushing to open the door but it won't open.

He turns to look at me and then to the door,he pushes the door again but the door is locked. someone locked it.

" say something" he is freaking out.

" There is no point," I say in my soft voice.

because there is no point in me freaking out and won't open the door.

The light is turned off and Jason moves close to me and holds my hand. Today is a festive day so they are closing the school early today.

I took my backpack off my shoulder because we are going to be here for wheil until Sunday to be exact. The day before school starts , they come back to check if everything is tip top shape.

"what the fuck are we going to do,we are stuck here unit monday" he said.

It looks like someone is afraid of the darke and he is having panic attack.i alway find comfort in darkness.

" Come here" I said to him, holding my arms out for a hug.

"what" he said, he could see me,there was a worried light that came from outside.

I walked toward him and brought his head into the crack of my neck. He was a little shocked at first then relax littell.

"Everything will be okay, take a deep breath with me, I am here with you"I whisper to him.

My biggest bullyWhere stories live. Discover now