Chapter 7: He's Not Serious

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Suddenly, Jack busted out into an almost maniacal laugh. Offering him a handshake. Asher revived it with a bigger hand. His hand slapped to Jack’s.

“Nice. Is that what you want?”

Jack pulled his cheeks and bared his teeth. That held out a forced smile.

“Okay, good.”

A ramble of protest murmured in Denim’s throat, eyeing them disdainfully before walking away. It makes no sense watching two guys bet over a girl. She’s not a fucking football game to bet over, especially a girl like Rose. She’s worth the fight, but these two won’t win with such a temper. Watching Denim step out of the room, Jack followed. Leaving only Asher in his room.

Asher nibbled on his lower lip, curious why Jack came to his room at first. He walked up to his chest of drawers and briefly checked. Nothing was missing. His eyes met his phone on the bed, then he hurried to check on it. Asher scrolled through his call list at once, only to find out that her contact was missing.

Immediately, he dashed downstairs. Jack balanced on the sofa like a king, with his legs crossed on the glass table while smoking on the pipe.

“Jack! Jack!” Asher stormed.

“Hmm...” Jack faced him slightly. His thick black brows arched to his sudden call.

“You went to my room to steal from my phone? And now you’re counting a showdown for a woman!”

Jack blinked twice in response, as if he didn’t hear. A volume of smoke escaped his lips as he sucked on the pipe. Then he choked on it, letting out a series of chronic cough to relieve himself. Asher placed the pipe on the table and faced him completely. “Me? Steal from your phone?” Jack’s words came low in innocence.

“What? Wait, wait, wait.” Denim, who was studying a tabloid newspaper on the dining table, walked towards them. “You two need to know something. Everything meaningful takes time and none of you can get Rose.”

They both glared at him with a resting bitch face.

“You know why? Rose is like... Really born again. Almost to the stage of being an Angel in flesh and you two are atheistic and blasphemous. A stage of being dead romantic Devils. Feast on yourselves and I’ll call you vampires. Well, I’m not a Saint, myself, but those two don’t mix.”

Jack placed a palm on his lower jaw, seeing sense in Denim’s words. With thundered eyes and a tight frown, Asher scowled at Denim disgustingly. Still pained about Rose’s deleted contact, he stormed into his room. Denim went back to the dining table, reading his newspaper while Jack continued smoking on the pipe, thinking of was to win Rose for himself.

‘Knock! Knock! Knock!’ gentle knocks came at the wooden door.

Kimberly was working on her system, editing a rough work, when the knocks came again. A little louder this time.

“Hold on!” she answered, placing her laptop on the table before replying. On her was a pink tank top and ripped denim shirt. Kimberly clicked the door open and stepped back.

“Hi!” A warm smile ripped from her lip as she greeted.

“Hi.” Asher replied, stepping in. He closed the door beside him and gave her an unexpected hug. It was warm and big. Asher wrapped his hands against her, exposed until Kimberly pulled out of it. She adjusted her clothes, feeling uncomfortable.

“Are you busy?” He asked, noticing her unsteady eyes.

“Um... Not really. I was proofreading and editing one of my books.”

“Wow,” Asher gasped, surveying the space. The Japanese interior design was unique. The smile on his face was evident that he loved it. It was his first time visiting. “Nice Place.”

“Thank you.”

Asher took a seat while Kimberly walked into the kitchen to get him refreshments. He admired her as she left. In a short while, she brought him a bottle of chilled fruit juice, served in a ceramic tray.

“Thank you.” he said once she served him, pouting it into a transparent cup.

“I’m sure you cane for Rose.” Kimberly placed the tray on the table before her.

“I don’t get you.” His crinkled eyes with pursed lips.

“Asher, you suck at lying.” She smiled briefly. “So please, tell me.”

“Come on, we are friends.”

Kimberly laughed at him as if he just cracked a joke.

“Friends, really? I saw you and your friends eating my friend up with your eyes at the fruit bar. You guys are into Rose, aren’t you? So please, stop it. Let’s hit the nail on the head.”

“Kimberly, you knew we were having a conversation. Just a pleasant time.”

“Okay, got it. Do you want my friend for sex or you’re serious about a relationship?” Her eyes focused on Asher and he smiled lightly. “Tell me, okay?”

“You seem wild than her.”

“Yeah.” Kim held a strand of hair beside her standing left ear. “She’s a dove and the bad guy. You still haven’t answered my question. Do you want my friend to warm your bed or you’re really into her? Just spill it!” Asher supped from the cup of apple juice and placed it on the table before them. He scratched his jaw, gently nibbling on his lower lip. Asher had his charms.

“Okay, what if... I ask you out?” he suppressed a laugh.

Kimberly nodded her head listlessly, placing her laptop back in her lap.

“He’s not serious.” She mumbled to herself, concentrating on her work.

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