Chapter 13: Rose Visits Heaven

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3 Months Later.

On a Saturday afternoon, Denim and Kimberly were watching a novella on the large screen plasma television. Kimberly rested her head on his shoulders while he his eyes darted between the tabloid newspaper between his laps and the television.

Someone rang the doorbell, and they gazed at the door. Kimberly pulled up at once to reply. She and Denim had simple singlets and shots.

“Are you expecting someone?”

“No.” He answered calmly.

“Now, who could that be?” Kimberly wore her slippers and opened the door.

“Oh my God, it’s you!” Kimberly stressed with excitement, throwing her arms open to receive Rose in a tight hug. “So good to see you!”

Denim adjusted his stilling position as he turned to them. Rose had a tight dress on and she looked glamorous, with a little makeup.

“You didn’t tell me you were coming. I’d have prepared something for you!”

“I don’t need to announce Kim.” Rose corrected. “We are like sisters, remember?”

“Yeah.” Kimberly agreed, and Rose walked in and took a seat.

“Hi, Rose. How are you doing?” Denim greeted, but she just smiled.

“Let me get you juice.”

“Of course, I’m your guest, please!”

“Okay...” Kimberly stood up and walked into the kitchen, leaving Denim and Rose in the living room,

Rose was as beautiful as he last remembered, but he concentrated on the newspaper.

“So, Denim, how are you? Do you still get to see your friends?”

“Yeah, sometimes.” He nodded.

“Oh, nice.” Rose commented, looking around in admiration. It was her first time visiting. “Nice place.”

“Thank you.” He replied.

Kimberly brought the juice, placing it on the table in front of her. “There you go.”

“Thank you.”

“I have food too, in case you want.”

“Oh, no.” She pointed. “I have dinner with Jack later today.”

“Okay.” Kimberly beamed and caught the look on Denim’s face. He gazed at the both of them before his eyes settled back on the newspaper. His lips formed a smirk.

“Why are you far away from me?” Kimberly said, pulling closer to him the way they were before she entered.

“I’m sorry, my love, uh?” His voice pleaded, capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

“It’s okay.” She pulled away with a smile. He chuckled at the sound of her laughter. “That’s enough, Denim, you’re crazy!”

“I know.” He mumbled as they share their special couple moments together, forgetting that Rose was there.

She felt the cold ground beneath her feet. Rose stared at the ceiling, then at the floor. It was stupid of her to visit them like this. The pulse of her heart died down, even though it was racing faster than she had imagined. And at that moment, she fought not to think about Denim.

“So, Rose!” Kimberly turned to her, noticing that it lost her in thoughts. Kimberly turned in her direction. “Rose!”

“Aw!” She faked a smile, slightly flushed.

Meeting The Church Girl (NaNoWriMo2022) Where stories live. Discover now