Chapter 8: Denim Goes To Church

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“Thank you very much.” Jack told Rose once she stopped the car.

They just had lunch together at a fancy restaurant. She blushed, lightly avoiding his eyes. Her right hand was still on the steering wheel and her left hand, a little sweaty.

“So, when do I see you again?” He focused his gaze on hers. She looked down, then away through the transparent window, outside.

“I don’t know.” Her brows pulled together in thought. “Maybe in the fruit bar.”

“Okay, it’s fine.” A finger scratched at his nape. “So, I’ll call you later tonight, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks for the lunch.” Her eyes met his in appreciation. Asher replied with a tight-lipped smile.

“You’re welcome.”

An awkward silence reigned between them for a while. Rose looked outside briefly at the silent environment and paused.

“Yeah, bye.”

“Bye.” She watched him push her car door and stepped out.

Immediately went back to his car, she started the car engines. A call came up.

“Hello Denim.” Rose answered, placing her phone by the side of her ear.

“Hello Rose.”

“How are you?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She replied briefly.

“Are you driving?”

“Yes, I’m driving.”

Denim got into his car and closed up the door. He was just leaving office. Leaning to one side of the seat, he continued.

“You know, I was thinking I should attend your church with you on Sunday.” Denim pointed out

Puzzled, Rose sapphire blue eyes pulled up in another frown. “What? Why would you do that?”

“Let’s just say I’ve realized.” he tried hard not to blush. Hearing his words was so surreal. “I’m looking for a place to grow, you know.”

“Denim, you know I don’t trust you.” Rose pointed out. “You’re lying.”

“Come on, Rose... I’m not lying, I’m serious.” His voice rose and fell like the British Empire. He spoke with passion. And she listened, smiling fondly.

“Ugh,” she sighed unexpectedly.

Her cheeks gently pushed the lifting of her mouth’s corners, causing crow’s feet to form at the corners of her eyes.

“Wow, okay. I have a mid-week service tonight and you’re invited. I might use this opportunity to introduce you to my church members.”

“Amazing, this sounds interesting.” Denim  remarked. He shook his head and blew out his cheek in relief.

“Wow, do you know? I wish you’d saw the light before now.” Rose replied with a firm nod.

“Yeah, I know. I feel so too. I always had the feeling of repentance, but things pulled me back.” His tone was warm and light, occasionally interrupted by an excited gasp of a praying mantis.

“So, I just got to work now. My closing time is 4:00 p.m. But let's meet at the church at 5:00 p.m. Then we'll head to the fruit bar afterwards. I’ll chat you later. I’m trying to pack.”

“Alright. Thank you Rose. Thank you.”

“Alright, bye.” she ended the call with the phone on her chest and her eyes closed.

Meeting The Church Girl (NaNoWriMo2022) Where stories live. Discover now