Chapter 1: The Park

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Hi - speak Filipino language (with a translation sometimes)
Hi - English language
Hi - thoughts in Filipino along with morgen & Orpheus
Hi - thoughts


Third P.O.V.

March 1, 1983

You wake up in the bench in unknown park with gardens, clearly see some of people walking. You stare at first thinking where you are, until feeling rush some memories on your thoughts making you have headache for a second before you remember everything. How you meet Morgen & Orpheus and how they teaching you about all knowledge and trained for endless time.

You stare at your hands for second before you starting see your whole body and what you're wearing.

'I'm glad I'm wearing some unisex clothes than wearing a dress. I feel awkward if that happened.' You thought while start standing up yourself.

'So... Where am I?' You thought for a second before you starting to walk just to see your were looking for.

For few minutes you walk like an hours 'Oh boy.. I feel tired, after getting reincarnated—They literally forgot to give me the book before I get reincarnate!' you thought while you were out of nowhere walking the streets garden. It wasn't familiar to your location where the part you from now but you still know you were in the Philippines.

'How old am I anyway?' You asked yourself and accidentally saw the reflection of the shop window.

"Man.. Is this how look like 4 years old?" You mumbled while staring yourself in wide eye, feeling not tired anymore. You noticed yourself that you have a mid pure silver black hair, light tan skin and have beautiful e/c, not just that, you look like 2 years old from your height.

'Wow. I'm too cute to be like this as a kid, but why am I too small and why I have silver hair?! I look like I'm lost orphan child!' You thought while still facing at the reflection window.

'By the way. Your birth month was also exactly the same from your past life except about the year and don't worry, you'll become taller soon. And also— sorry for changing your hair color.' A familiar voice making you froze at your place because of the suddenly spoke on your thoughts.

'Oh sh*t! Morgen!— You can talk to me?!' You said while got bewildered how he just talking to you casual right now while some other people was walk passing by while some others stare at her because of her hair was silver.

'Of course I can! What do you think? I'm your guardian after all.' He said while you feel he smirking at you and watched from above along with his twin Orpheus.

'Then what a part of Philippines am I—'

"Hello. Where's your parents, kid?" A tall British man who spoke to you with a perfect Filipino accent making your thoughts back to reality.

You quick turned around and notice him how tall is he. (He might be 6'5 because how considering towering to another normal filipino stranger.) He have black hair wearing a ponytail on their back while their eyes are gray and sharp look but still have hint of kindness. (Like his a good delinquent.) And his appearance looks like a teenager and he was good looking too.

(Author note: if your wondering what is look like to tie their hair is. It was on above.)

A soft whistling coming from your mouth. You literally don't know what to say. You try to act confused before you utter a word.

"Patay" ('Dead.') You respond bluntly without realized yourself while eye contact with him.

You can feel the two guardian was trying not to laughing at you while they watching . You feeling embarrassing after what have you done. You literally wanted to throw a hand to your guardian right now.

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