Edward P.O.V.
"Damn it! Where's my quill?!" I respond at myself as I look into my bag. Did I just lost it my quill for hous? It's a new quill that my mom brought it! Why it has to be lost today?! Merlin beard!
A sudden tap in my shoulder as I turned around, y/n gave it to me as I saw my tag name on my quill while we walking around in the hallway today as we goes in the great hall. "Oh thanks, y/n" I thank her as I sigh in relief.
"I thought I already lost it." I respond as I put inside in my bag now.
"Well you almost forget from potion class, Ed, but Eugene found it." Y/n replied in amusing tone as she sassy rolled eyes at me.
"Yeah. Gladly I brought it." Eugene replied this time as he gave me teasing grin in his face.
To be honest I thought he was just polite guy like me consider he was hufflepuff, but I was wrong when I start to know him well in just an hours. But still.. His a nice guy even he spoke in curse words.
"By the way. Where's Emma?" I asked curiosity as she wasn't here along with us today.
"Oh she's already ahead than us along with her few fellow gryffindors." Eugene replied as he shrugs off.
After we manage goes inside the great hall, we separate each other. Eugene goes in the Hufflepuff, Y/n goes in Ravenclaw while me I goes in my Slytherin table.
Since the next lesson was Flying shared with Gryffindor and the teacher was Professor Hooch.
I heard some Gryffindor next in the table. They were groaned a bit as they ranting about getting shared a 'slytherin' in flying lesson, I know the reason why they hate us, but doesn't mean they need to include all slytherins, were not all bad, I guess the Malfoy boy who make more worse our reputation as a slytherin.
As I watch them, some of them bit nervous about their flying lesson, and start reading in the book, I mean.. I can relate consider it was their first time to ride a broom especial for a muggle-borns.
When my first time to ride it, I kinda panic, but after several weeks, I started to getting used to it. So I might not be worried for them.
I heard seamus chant in gryffindor table. "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum."
'Damn.. Is he gonna wanted to blow himself?'
I stare at the Ravenclaw this time as I saw Y/n eating for more rice she's holding the plate, then in minutes when she finished, she goes in the Gryffindor table as she sit beside to Hermione who's reading about the book called 'Quidditch Through the Ages.' I kinda surprise that how fast y/n she eats early. Is she have fast metabolism or something? She might be short than us, but still...i'm kinda surprise even I've been witness it.
'Hmm I kinda wondering what they're talking about right now.' I thought in curiosity as I shrugs off and start to eating.
———— 🍂☀
Y/n P.O.V.
I goes in the next table in gryffindor as I sit beside to Hermione. I could tell that Hermione was practically buried in the book her face mumbling herself as Neville on the other side listening to her, she was nervous since she's reading about flying tips in the 'Quidditch Through Ages'.
How can she will prepared if she just reading through book not about how experience is?
Then I glace at Neville who's also nervous about up coming from the flying lesson too. I sigh a bit. I guess I need to baby sit this two as usual.

The Extra || H.P. fan fiction
FanfictionVarious Harry Potter (girls) x Modern! fem reader *Warning⚠️ • Grammatical error • Foul language • All I published with pictures came from Pinterest (mostly) • Dark Humors • Death Mentioned • Blood mentioned • Slow update And might be possibly other...